Supervising Students

Students in the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) program complete 28 weeks of clinical education. This consists of two five-week (188 hours) clinical placements, and three six-week (225 hours) clinical placements, covering a broad set of learning settings (acute/hospital care, rehabilitation and community care, ambulatory and private practice).

Students have exposure to a broad spectrum of physical therapy services (e.g. musculoskeletal, cardio-respiratory, neuromuscular). The clinician community is critical to these placements and to ensuring students are able to progress through the program. The mentorship of MPT students also brings benefits to clinical educators. 

2023-2025 Cohort Placement Dates

  • Level 1: April 22nd – May 24th, 2024
  • 2A: November 4th – December 13th, 2024
  • 2B: February 17th – March 28th, 2025
  • 3A: May 26th – June 27th, 2025
  • 3B: September 2nd – October 10th, 2025

2024-2026 Cohort Placement Dates

  • Level 1: April 28th – May 30th, 2025
  • 2A: November 10th – December 19th, 2025
  • 2B: February 17th – March 27th, 2026
  • 3A: May 25th – June 26th, 2026
  • 3B:  August 31st – October 9th, 2026

Factors that support a positive placement experience include:

Clinical Sites

Sites host students on placement. Learn more about qualifying your clinic here:

Clinical Educators

Preceptors supervise students while on placement. Learn more about being a clinical educator here:

Clinical Site Profiles

These site profiles allow students to learn about your site.

Placement Offers

Submit an offer to supervise students here:

Student Assessment

Assessment of student performance while on placement occurs on a daily basis through mentorship and formally by the completion of the Assessment of Clinical Performance (ACP). Learn more about ACP here: 

Report an Incident

These site profiles allow students to learn about your site.


Learn what students and preceptors have to say about their experience here: