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Clinical Education Amidst Clinical Challenges
As a clinical educator, you might be wondering whether it is a good time to be taking a student when you are learning and adapting to new approaches and protocols in your own practice. These FAQs offer some ideas to make clinical placements meaningful and manageable during these unique and turbulent times.
ACP Online Education Module
This e-learning module covers the structure and components of the Canadian Physiotherapy Assessment of Clinical Performance (ACP) forms. It also discusses the categories, or roles, that students will be assessed against and the rating scale.
Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs
The Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs (Academic Council) is a national organization that includes representatives from 14 physiotherapy university programs and from the accreditation, regulatory and association sectors. They provide leadership in topics pertinent to physiotherapy academic and clinical education and research. Member organizations actively collaborate with the National Association for Clinical Education in Physiotherapy.
Guidance on Writing Effective Learning Objectives
This resource provides information and tools for writing effective learning objectives.
Guiding Questions for Reflections on Interprofessional Competencies
This guide is designed to aid students in writing reflections about interprofessional competencies.
Article: How to Master the Role of Clinical Preceptor
The article discusses the roles and expectations of a clinical preceptor, student experiences with preceptors, traits of effective preceptors, teaching tips, and things not to do.
ACP Weekly Journal Template
A template for preceptors and students to enter weekly field notes and keep track of student performance using ACP categories.
Module: Building Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
Students may come to you to discuss potential mistreatment concerns about their learning environment. This module will introduce the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s student mistreatment policies and reporting process so that you can assist students requiring support. Resources are provided to build safe and supportive relationships with learners by fostering student resilience and well-being.
Physiotherapy Management for COVID-19 in the Acute Hospital Setting
These international guidelines are meant for physiotherapists and other relevant stakeholders in the acute care setting caring for adult patients with suspected and/or confirmed COVID-19. It outlines recommendations for physiotherapy workforce planning and preparation, determining physiotherapy requirements, selection of physiotherapy treatments and personal protective equipment.
Preceptor Education Program (PEP)
Developed by the University of Western Ontario, the PEP modules are required to be completed by UBC Master of Physical Therapy students prior to their first placement. They describe student roles and expectations, learning objectives, giving and receiving feedback, clinical reasoning, reflective practice, dealing with conflict and the evaluation process.
Checklist for Key Cardio-Respiratory Interventions for Entry-Level Physical Therapy Students
Developed by the National Association for Clinical Education in Physiotherapy, this checklist to ensure students attain entry-level cardio-respiratory competencies, guides educators in the assessment of those competencies, and highlights that any clinical setting can assist students in acquiring cardio-respiratory competencies.
Musculoskeletal Conditions Checklist
This checklist, developed by the University of Saskatchewan, allows preceptors to track the number of times a student diagnoses, assess, or treats specified conditions.
Supervision Guide
This resource, developed by the Physiotherapy Alberta College and Association, provides an overview of the role of supervision in placements. Topics include phases of supervision, techniques and strategies to use in supervising student physiotherapists in Alberta, frequently asked questions, tips on providing effective feedback and more.
A Guide to Incorporate Interprofessional Experiences into the Practice Education Setting
This comprehensive guide outlines the components, or competencies of interprofessional collaborative practice, the process of defining relevant learning outcomes for students on placement, the types of activities that contribute to achieving learning objectives, potential issues to consider, evaluation of learning, and more.
What to expect from MPT students on placement
This document summarizes the coursework that students will have completed prior to each placement level and the skills and knowledge that students should demonstrate while on placement.
NACEP Guidelines for Supervising PT Students using Telerehabilitation
Most aspects of a clinical education experience remain the same regardless of whether the experience occurs in-person or using telerehabilitation, however, some aspects might differ. These guidelines aim to highlight these differences and intend to provide the Clinical Instructor and student with guidance for clinical education experiences that involve patient care using telerehabilitation.
Level 3 Placements: Tips and Reminders
This resource provides some useful tips and reminders about how to make clinical placements meaningful as students approach entry-to-practice.
E-tips for Practice Education Modules
Developed by Kassam et.al, these modules are for health care professionals who work with students in a practice education setting. Tips are provided to help prepare for a student, describe adult learning principles, foster teaching skills, foster clinical reasoning, give feedback, evaluate student performance, support struggling students, and resolve conflict.
Orientation Guidelines for Physical Therapy Clinical Placements
Developed by the National Association for Clinical Education in Physiotherapy, this resource provides guidance on orienting the student, the educator and the clinic to a physical therapy placement. Topics include the types of information that should be reviewed by all parties, learning styles and learning objectives, evaluation and feedback, and a ‘prepare for clinical supervision’ checklist.
Musculoskeletal Procedures Checklist
This checklist, developed by the University of Saskatchewan, allows preceptors to track the number of times a student performs specified assessment procedures or interventions.
National Interprofessional Competency Framework: A Quick Reference Guide
Developed by the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, this document summarizes the six competency domains, along with three cross-cutting considerations (context, simple vs complex, and quality improvement) involved in effective interprofessional collaboration.
The Hidden Curriculum: Do You know What Your Students are Really Learning?
This video presentation by Susan Murphy explores the influence that the hidden curriculum may have on students’ learning, provides examples, and provides methods more being more intentional about the learning environment.
Inclusivity in the Learning Environment for Health Professionals
This module is informed by the Faculty of Medicine expectations for an inclusive environment and provides guidance for faculty, learners and staff in the Health Professions on how to address actions that are not aligned with those expectations. It provides an introduction to inclusion and is intended to promote collaborative discussions that result in collective learning about inclusive practices.