Year in Review 2021 – UBC Department of Physical Therapy
It seems amazing that we are already at the end of another year. 2021 was decidedly busy and productive despite the significant challenges of the ongoing pandemic and the effects of climate change. My heart goes out to all who were affected personally and/or professionally by these difficult circumstances, along with my sincere thanks […]
Fall Graduation 2021
Congratulations to the UBC Department of Physical Therapy Class of 2021. This week was an important one for the Department with the graduation of the MPT class of 2021. Following a virtual UBC convocation on Thursday, the Department held its reception for the graduates on Friday. A big thank you to everyone who spoke at […]
Robin Keahey – 2021 Graduate
Being a part of the last NRC (Northern and Rural Cohort), which is now the new Master of Physical Therapy-North program, I really enjoyed showcasing Northern B.C. to peers. A moment that sticks out for me was when a group of us went out for pizza and ice cream together after backpacking Mount Robson.
How to Save Your Knees Without Giving Up Your Workout – New York Times
How to Save Your Knees Without Giving Up Your Workout – featuring Michaela Khan, Dr Jackie Whittaker, and Jean-François Esculier. There’s no magic bullet to knee health, but staying active and building muscles around the joint are crucial.
Dr Lara Boyd awarded the Killam Research Prize – 2021
Each year, the Faculty of Medicine recognizes faculty and staff members for excellence in teaching, research, administration, innovation and public service. Congratulations to our 2021 recipients.
Statement on the Clinical Component of the PCE – UBC Department of Physical Therapy
The Department of Physical Therapy at UBC has been in ongoing discussions with the College of Physical Therapists of BC (CPTBC) with respect to running a second virtual assessment as part of their licensing process, given that the Physiotherapy National Examination (clinical component) remains unavailable. UBC’s role in this process is limited to that of […]
Physical Therapy red hot at UNBC – CKPG
Last fall, UBC launched its inaugural master of Physical Therapy – North program in Prince George to help inspire more graduates to stay and practice in northern, rural, and remote communities across BC, as well as to increase access to physical therapy services for patients.“The physical therapy community in the North have been asking […]
UBC expands physical therapy program in northern B.C.
Last fall, UBC launched its inaugural Master of Physical Therapy – North (MPT-N) program in Prince George to help inspire more graduates to stay and practice in northern, rural and remote communities across British Columbia (B.C), as well as to increase access to physical therapy services for patients.
Annual Research Report | 2020 – 2021
In 2020-2021, research activities were disrupted by the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our researchers were able to successfully pivot current research activities, including developing innovative ways to safely deliver virtual exercise programming to individuals with a variety of health conditions, as well as develop new lines of research.
Invite for partners on TJAOM Toolkit Update
PT Knowledge Brokers Alison Hoens and Paul Blazey are welcoming BC PTs to join a new project updating the popular Total Joint Arthroplasty and Outcome Measures (TJAOM) Toolkit. Join the project by clicking here. Questions can be directed to
Statement on the Clinical Component of the PCE – UBC Department of Physical Therapy
The Department of Physical Therapy at UBC is very aware of the recent and ongoing issues related to the administration of the Clinical Component of the PCE, and the consequent stress and frustration that this has caused our recent graduates, as well as many others waiting to take the exam. Although CAPR (the Canadian Alliance […]
Congratulations to the 2021 Top Doctoral Student and Rising Star Award recipients!
It’s been a great week in the Department this week due to our trainees’ outstanding success in the VCHRI (Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute) “Rising Star” and Doctoral student Awards! 4 of the 7 rising star awards were won by trainees from our department. These awards recognize research excellence, service as role models, and other […]
Hyman Gee – Student Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic – Fraser Health
Name and Title(s): Hyman Gee Student Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic, Queen’s Park Care Centre, Fraser Health Clinical Instructor Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Where do you work? I work at Queen’s Park Care Centre in New Westminster, specifically the outpatient rehabilitation services which includes the student-led clinic where I do my work. The student-led […]
Kim Hall – CEO of Physio2U – In-Home Physiotherapy
Name and Title(s): Kim Hall – Registered Physiotherapist Where do you work? I am the CEO of Physio2U – in-home physiotherapy services What is the most rewarding part of your job? Being able to see people regain independence and restore their quality of life. Working in home care, I do one-hour one-on-one sessions, I can see people […]
Amy Ellis – Clinical Supervisor Physiotherapy in Fraser Health
Name and Title(s): Mrs Amy Ellis Clinical Supervisor Physiotherapy, Critical Care and Medical Nephrology Where do you work? Surrey Memorial Hospital – Fraser Health Amy Ellis on LinkedIn What is the most rewarding part of your job? Seeing patients return to their life and enjoying the quality of life with their families post-admission. I have the […]
Kendra Zadravec – MPT/PhD (Rehabilitation Sciences)
My lab does research to understand how exercise, physical activity, and physical therapy can improve cancer survivors’ quality of life and wellbeing. Growing up, several of my family and friends had cancer. Seeing how much their lives were affected made me want to pursue a career path to help those living with and beyond cancer. […]
Aman Bassi – Master of Physical Therapy Program
I wanted a career that I felt gave me a reason to get up in the morning. I wanted a career that would challenge me to keep learning for life and keep up with the body of scientific knowledge that only grows every day. At its core, physiotherapy is all about helping people interact with […]
Ali Afshar – Master of Physical Therapy – North
Growing up playing different sports and experiencing a number of sports injuries always motivated me to learn more about human anatomy and rehabilitation sciences. After experiencing two anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions, other major injuries and having to go through the rehabilitation process myself, I know how vital physiotherapy is for the re-establishment of a […]
Jasmine Mander, MPT’20 – Tokyo Olympics Feature
This story was originally published on the Alumni Engagement website here. Jasmine’s experience recovering from injuries as a UBC soccer varsity athlete inspired her to pursue a career in physical therapy. Now, she’s able to combine her passion for sport and therapy at Canada Soccer, leading to the women’s football gold medal at the […]
Mallory White, MPT’14 – Tokyo Olympics Feature
This story was originally published on the Alumni Engagement website here. Supporting the health of athletes has been a passion for Mallory, starting with her time as a student trainer with UBC varsity athletes to being the lead therapist for the Canadian women’s national soccer team. Learn about her experience at UBC and her […]
Strategic Plan 2021-2026
The Department of Physical Therapy’s current Strategic Plan is built upon a strong foundation of excellence and the four values of enhancing innovation, integrity, collaboration and excellence, outlined in the Department’s original Strategic Plan document (2018 – 2023). These values align with the four key principles – excellence, equity, engagement and effectiveness – highlighted in the Faculty of Medicine’s 2020 […]
Faculty of Medicine researchers receive John R. Evans Leaders Fund awards
Dr Jackie Whittaker has been awarded funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) for her project on Musculoskeletal Health and Mobility Laboratory Infrastructure.
UBC PT Welcomes Angelina Woof – Associate Head of Clinical Education
We are very excited to have Angelina Woof join the Department of Physical Therapy as the new Associate Head of Clinical Education. The Associate Head of Clinical Education provides leadership for clinical education for the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) students. As well as providing leadership to our exceptional clinical education team, and ensuring students are supported during placement, Angelina […]
Samantha Smith, MPT’18 – Tokyo Olympics Feature
This story was originally published on the Alumni Engagement website here. Competing at the Olympics has been one of Samantha’s goals for a very long time and her dream becomes a reality this year. Learn about how her UBC MPT degree set her up for success as she heads to the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics […]
UBC Department of Physical Therapy says farewell to Karen Sauve – Associate Head Clinical Education
We are both happy and sad to announce that Karen Sauve, Associate Head Clinical Education for the UBC Department of Physical Therapy will be leaving us this summer. Happy, because Karen is leaving us to start her PhD, but sad as she has been a valued colleague, mentor, and teacher in the Department and is deeply committed to the health, wellbeing, and education of our students. Her contributions while she was […]
Call for Proposals for PT KB Led Projects 2021
Intent The purpose of this call is to invite proposals for projects facilitated by the Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker (PT KB). Background The PT KB position is jointly funded, at a 1.0 FTE, by the Department of Physical Therapy at The University of British Columbia, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia and Arthritis Research Canada. The […]
Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker Position – Update June 2021
I am pleased to announce some exciting changes to the Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker (PT KB) position. Effective July 1, 2021, the PT KB position will increase from 0.5 FTE to 1.0 FTE in recognition of the time required to address the scope and depth of the work. The funding for this position is provided […]
How the pandemic has impacted treatment for stroke patients – Global News
It’s Stroke Awareness Month. And like many things the pandemic has impacted the care of stroke patients. Dr Janice Eng, Professor in the UBC Department of Physical Therapy, explains how she has adapted her innovative program for virtual care.
National Indigenous History Month
For National Indigenous History Month, X̱wi7x̱wa Library has compiled resources that explore various aspects of Indigenous life and culture.
Study on the implementation of remote COPD biometric monitoring in pulmonary rehabilitation programs
People living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) find it difficult to learn chronic disease management skills such as knowing how and when to use their inhaled medication, how to get enough exercise, how to look after their sleep and other health habits, and when to ask for help. Health care professionals rely on their […]
Statement on the fatal attack on the Muslim family in London, Ontario
CBC News Article The UBC Department of Physical Therapy is devastated by the loss of Salman Afzaal, a physiotherapist, Madiha Salman, an engineer and PhD candidate at London’s Western University, their daughter Yumna Afzaal and Salman’s mother, Talat Afzaal. This is an enormous loss to the Muslim community and the physical therapy community across Canada and beyond. Salman was a physical therapist […]
UBC Master of Physical Therapy – Admissions Video
Are you interested in becoming a physical therapist? Physical therapists are primary care professionals who work in a variety of settings, such as rehabilitation centers, hospitals, community health centers, and private clinics in both rural and urban areas. The Master of Physical Therapy program at the University of British Columbia is the only entry-to-practice program […]
Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Centenary Medals of Distinction
Congratulations to all of our faculty and alumni who have been awarded CPA centenary medals of distinction! The Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Centenary Medals of Distinction have been created to mark the Association’s 100th Anniversary. The medal serves to recognize 100+ individuals who have impacted physiotherapy from 1920 to 2020. These medals will be presented and the […]
2021 PABC Annual Awards
Each year, the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) recognizes members who make outstanding contributions to the profession. “It was inspiring to see so many engaged members make the time on Saturday to attend our first-ever PABC Member Day. Of course, the sessions were virtual, but this did not stop us from thoughtfully catching up […]
2021 Clinical Educator Awards
The UBC Department of Physical Therapy is thrilled to recognize outstanding Clinical Educators through the annual Clinical Educator Award. These awards are student nominated and highlight excellence in education, supervision, and mentorship of Master of Physical Therapy students. The 2021 Clinical Educator Recipients are: Danny Phoenix, for his constant reliable mentorship. Michelle Jacobs, for her […]
Study on exercise program for men with prostate cancer overcomes COVID-19 challenges
At the beginning of 2020, the research study on the SIRvivor BC Exercise Program for men with prostate cancer was just building momentum. After a successful pilot term, several community centres were eager to continue offering the exercise program for men in the local community. Then the COVID-19 pandemic reached British Columbia. The SIRvivor BC […]
Meet Tamarah Nerreter: GCOMPT Graduate
Name and Title(s): Tamarah Nerreter – MScPT CAFCI GCOMPT Orthopedics, Sports, Pelvic Health (Pediatric, Male and Female), Pre /Post Natal, Concussion, Vestibular Therapy, Acupuncture, Visceral Therapy Where do you work?: I’m now an owner of my own company, a sole practitioner for now at BoDynamics Physiotherapy in Tsawwassen/South Delta (my home community) just outside of […]
LungFIT Pulmonary Rehabilitation Podcast – Dr Pat Camp
The LungFIT Pulmonary Rehabilitation podcast focuses on all things related to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). PR is a multidisciplinary, evidence-based intervention for people with chronic lung disease. People who participate in PR report improved quality of life, reduced symptoms, and have better exercise tolerance. Many years of excellent research have provided PR with a solid evidence […]
Neuroplasticity: How to rewire your brain
Dr Lara Boyd (Professor), was featured on the BBC providing an interview of brain plasticity and the pandemic. Watch the segment here.
Welcome to our NEW Clinical Sites – Feb 2021
We would like to give a big WELCOME and THANK YOU to all of the new clinical sites that have recently joined us! Please view our Clinical Education Frequently Asked Questions or contact us with any additional questions.
Meet the first MPT-North Cohort
We are now halfway through the first year of the first-ever MPT-North cohort! Here is what a few of the students had to say about their experience so far in the program. The Master of Physical Therapy – North program is delivered in partnership with the University of British Columbia and the University of Northern British Columbia. […]
IEPEP is now Physio Refresh!
Physio Refresh includes all of the award-winning IEPEP content, plus more than ten new interactive modules, more flexible programming options, a fully virtual learning format, and a more user-friendly course environment. The 2021 delivery has adapted to the need to practice and be assessed, in a virtual format. Physio Refresh encompasses both theoretical and practical components and includes practice examinations and workshops which focus on knowledge, […]
Janice Eng appointed to UBC’s highest faculty honour: University Killam Professor
Dr. Janice Eng, a professor in the faculty of medicine’s department of physical therapy, has been awarded UBC’s highest honour conferred on a faculty member. A University Killam Professorship recognizes exceptional teachers and researchers who are leaders in their fields, and who have received international recognition for their talents and achievements. Dr. Eng is a world leader […]
Meet Robbi Basran: GCOMPT Graduate
Name and Title(s): Robbi Basran, Physiotherapist – MPT, BKin, FCAMPT, CAFCI, FDN (IMS), CSCS Where do you work?: Coast Performance Rehabilitation (Kitsilano) What is your favourite thing about your work? Helping people reach a certain goal whether it be completing a 10km run or simply getting back to an activity they love. Moving beyond being […]