News & Announcements

  • Call for Proposals for PT KB Led Projects 2021

    Call for Proposals for PT KB Led Projects 2021

     Intent  The purpose of this call is to invite proposals for projects facilitated by the Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker (PT KB).  Background  The PT KB position is jointly funded, at a 1.0 FTE, by the Department of Physical Therapy at The University of British Columbia, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia and Arthritis Research Canada. The…

  • Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker Position – Update June 2021

    Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker Position – Update June 2021

    I am pleased to announce some exciting changes to the Physical Therapy Knowledge Broker (PT KB) position. Effective July 1, 2021, the PT KB position will increase from 0.5 FTE to 1.0 FTE in recognition of the time required to address the scope and depth of the work. The funding for this position is provided…

  • How the pandemic has impacted treatment for stroke patients – Global News

    How the pandemic has impacted treatment for stroke patients – Global News

    It’s Stroke Awareness Month. And like many things the pandemic has impacted the care of stroke patients. Dr Janice Eng, Professor in the UBC Department of Physical Therapy, explains how she has adapted her innovative program for virtual care.

  • National Indigenous History Month

    National Indigenous History Month

    For National Indigenous History Month, X̱wi7x̱wa Library has compiled resources that explore various aspects of Indigenous life and culture. 

  • Study on the implementation of remote COPD biometric monitoring in pulmonary rehabilitation programs

    Study on the implementation of remote COPD biometric monitoring in pulmonary rehabilitation programs

    People living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) find it difficult to learn chronic disease management skills such as knowing how and when to use their inhaled medication, how to get enough exercise, how to look after their sleep and other health habits, and when to ask for help. Health care professionals rely on their…

  • Statement on the fatal attack on the Muslim family in London, Ontario

    Statement on the fatal attack on the Muslim family in London, Ontario

    CBC News Article  The UBC Department of Physical Therapy is devastated by the loss of Salman Afzaal, a physiotherapist, Madiha Salman, an engineer and PhD candidate at London’s Western University, their daughter Yumna Afzaal and Salman’s mother, Talat Afzaal. This is an enormous loss to the Muslim community and the physical therapy community across Canada and beyond.  Salman was a physical therapist…

  • UBC Master of Physical Therapy – Admissions Video

    UBC Master of Physical Therapy – Admissions Video

    Are you interested in becoming a physical therapist? Physical therapists are primary care professionals who work in a variety of settings, such as rehabilitation centers, hospitals, community health centers, and private clinics in both rural and urban areas. The Master of Physical Therapy program at the University of British Columbia is the only entry-to-practice program…

  • Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Centenary Medals of Distinction

    Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Centenary Medals of Distinction

    Congratulations to all of our faculty and alumni who have been awarded CPA centenary medals of distinction! The Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Centenary Medals of Distinction have been created to mark the Association’s 100th Anniversary. The medal serves to recognize 100+ individuals who have impacted physiotherapy from 1920 to 2020. These medals will be presented and the…

  • 2021 PABC Annual Awards

    2021 PABC Annual Awards

    Each year, the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) recognizes members who make outstanding contributions to the profession. “It was inspiring to see so many engaged members make the time on Saturday to attend our first-ever PABC Member Day. Of course, the sessions were virtual, but this did not stop us from thoughtfully catching up…

  • 2021 Clinical Educator Awards

    2021 Clinical Educator Awards

    The UBC Department of Physical Therapy is thrilled to recognize outstanding Clinical Educators through the annual Clinical Educator Award. These awards are student nominated and highlight excellence in education, supervision, and mentorship of Master of Physical Therapy students. The 2021 Clinical Educator Recipients are: Danny Phoenix, for his constant reliable mentorship. Michelle Jacobs, for her…