Prerequisite Requirements

  • Please use the prerequisite criteria and pre-approved course lists on this page to determine which courses to include in the prerequisite information section of the Supplemental Application Form.
  • If your courses are not listed on this page, use the BC Transfer Guide to check if they are equivalent to our pre-approved courses.
  • If your courses are not listed and not found in the BC Transfer Guide, you must obtain an official course syllabus and submit a Course Review Form for approval.
  • Please submit your course reviews before November 1st if you would like to have them reviewed before the application deadline. While we aim to review courses submitted before November 1st by the application deadline, it may not always be possible to do so depending on the number of course reviews we received.

Please note:

  • All prerequisite courses must be completed by December 31st and must appear on your official transcripts that are submitted as part of your application.
  • Courses are reviewed six times per year. Course review results responses may take up to two months.
  • Applicants who submit prerequisite courses with a grade below 72% will not be considered for interviews.
  • Applicants cannot combine joint courses from different institutions to satisfy prerequisite requirements e.g. combining UBC KIN 190 and Langara KINS 1191. If you wish to use joint courses from different institutions to fulfill any prerequisite requirements, you must submit a course review form with that specific combination.

Human Anatomy

A one-term/half-year 3-credit course of human anatomy. Course content must cover the gross anatomy of the human musculoskeletal, visceral and neurological systems.

Institution Course Credits Notes
Acadia University KINE 1413 + KINE 4813 3 Must be taken together to fulfill 3 credits of Human Anatomy
Arizona State University BIO 201 + BIO 202 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Athabasca University BIOL 235 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Ball State University ANAT 201 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1113 + BHSC 2213 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Boston University BI 106 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Brigham Young University PDBIO 210 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Brock University KINE 3P98 + KINE 1P99 3 Must be taken together to fulfill 3 credits of Human Anatomy
Brock University PEKN 1P90 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Brock University PEKN 2P04 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Brock University PEKN 2P97 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Camden County College BIO 211 + BIO 212 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Camosun College BIOL 141 3 No longer offered
Camosun College BIOL 141A 1 No longer offered
Camosun College BIOL 143 4 Counts as 3 credits of anatomy
Camosun College BIOL 150 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Camosun College BIOL 152 + BIOL 153 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Canadian University College BIOL 111 + BIOL 112 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University BIOL 104 4 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Capilano University BIOL 112 + BIOL 113 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University HKIN 190 + HKIN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Chapman University HSK 210 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
College of New Caledonia BIOL 111 + BIOL 112 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
College of the Rockies KNES 200 + KNES 210 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and physiology, must be taken together
Dalhousie University ANAT 1010 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University ANAT 1020 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Dalhousie University ANAT 1040 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University HSCE 1020 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Dalhousie University HSCE 1030 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Dalhousie University ANAT 3010 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Dordt University BIO 325 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Douglas College BIOL 1103 + BIOL 1203 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College BIOL 1105 + BIOL 1205 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College BIOL 1109 + BIOL 1209 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Grand Valley State University BMS 208 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University HSS201 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Kwantlen University BIOL 1160 + BIOL 1260 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Langara College BIOL 1190 + BIOL 1191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Langara College HKIN/KINS 1190 + HKIN/KINS 1191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Langara College RMTP 1100 + RMTP 1200 + RMTP 1300 6 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 additional credits of advanced physiology.
Laurentian University PHED 1506 + 1507 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy; must be taken together
Le Moyne College BIO 331 + BIO 332 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits ofÿadvancedÿphysiology
Liberty University BIOL 213 + BIOL 215 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Long Island University - Post BIO 7 + BIO 8 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits ofÿadvancedÿphysiology
MacEwan University MTST 122 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
MacEwan University HLSC 104 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
MacEwan University HLSC 120 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McCook Community College BIOL 2250 + BIOL 2260 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McGill University ANAT 315 + ANAT 316 3 Must be taken together to fulfill 3 credits of Human Anatomy
McGill University EDKP 205 2 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McGill University EDKP 293 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
McGill University ANAT 214 + ANAT 314 3 Must be taken together to fulfill 3 credits of Human Anatomy
McGill University BIOL 1050H 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McMaster University Kinesiol 1A06 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 1A03 + Kinesiol 1AA3 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 1Y03 + Kinesiol 1YY3 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 4J03 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McMaster University SCI 2FF3 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McMaster University HTHSCI 2F03 + HTHSCI 2FF3 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR 2310 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Mount Royal University BIOL 2203 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Mount Royal University PHED 1224 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Mount Royal University PHYL 1512 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Mount Royal University BIOL 1220 + BIOL 1221 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Mount Saint Vincent University BIOL 2205 + BIOL 2206 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
National Taiwan University MED2009 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Nipissing University PHED 2216 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Nipissing University PHED 1206 or PHED 1207 3 Either course will be counted as 3 credits of anatomy; both courses must have been taken.
Okanagan College BIOL 131 + BIOL 133 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Post University BIO 203 + BIO 204 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Queen's University ANAT 100 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University ANAT 101 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University ANAT 315 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University ANAT 316 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University ANAT 270 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 01:377:213 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Ryerson University CBLG 101 + CBLG 111 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
San Joaquin Delta College BIOL 031 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Selkirk College BIOL 164 + BIOL 165 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser University BPK 325 3 Previously titled KIN 325
Simon Fraser University BPK 326 4 Previously titled KIN 326
St. Francis Xavier University BIO 251 + BIO 252 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Texas Tech University ZOOL 2403 + ZOOL 2404 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 1592 + BIOL 1692 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 1593 + BIOL 1693 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 3701 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Thompson Rivers University HLSC 159 + HLSC 169 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Trent University BIOL 1050H This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Trinity Western University BIOL 241A + BIOL 242B 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University Guelph HK 3401 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta ANAT 200 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Alberta ANAT 403 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta NURS 140 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Alberta PEDS 100 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta PEDS 400 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta BME 321 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta - Augustana AUPED 112 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CAPS 391 3 Previously titled ANAT 391
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 190 + KIN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 489E 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 153 3&3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan BIOL 131 + BIOL 133 3&3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 190 + HMKN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 391 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 101 & HES 111 & HES 320 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 101 & HES 111 & HES 120 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary KNES 259 + KNES 260 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary KNES 261 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Findlay BIOL 322 + BIOL 323 3&3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Findlay BIOL 222 + BIOL 223 3&3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Hong Kong BBMS 2004 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Lethbridge KNES 2600 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba ANAT 1030 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba KIN 2320 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba PHED 2320 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of New Brunswick BIOL 1711 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of New Brunswick BIOL 1719 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 105 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Northern Colorado BIO 245 + BIO 246 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology HLSC 1200 + HLSC 1201 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ottawa APA1313 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa APA1713 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa ANP 1105, ANP 1106 + ANP 1107 3, 3, & 3 All three courses combined will fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and all 6 credits of physiology
University of Ottawa ANP 1505, ANP 1506 + ANP 1507 3, 3, & 3 All three courses combined will fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and all 6 credits of physiology
University of Prince Edward Island BIO 1210 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Regina KIN 260 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan ACB 221 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Saskatchewan CPPS 310 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Saskatchewan ACB 310 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan ANAT 221 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KIN 170 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 170 3 No longer offered
University of the Fraser Valley HSC 111 + HSC 113 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Toronto ANA 126Y 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto ANA 300Y 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Toronto ANA 400 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
University of Toronto BIO B33 H3F 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Utah BIOL 2325 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Victoria EPHE 141 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Victoria EPHE 355 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Waterloo AHS 150 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
University of Waterloo BIOL 301 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Waterloo KIN 100 + KIN 471 3 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these fulfill 3 credits of human anatomy
University of Waterloo KIN 100 + KIN 305 3 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these fulfill 3 credits of human anatomy
University of Windsor 55-202 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Windsor 92-265 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Windsor 95-160 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Winnipeg BIOL 1112 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Vancouver Community College BIOL 1120 +BIOL 1220 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Vancouver Island University BIOL 151 + BIOl 153 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Vancouver Island University BIOL 156 + BIOL 157 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Vancouver Island University PHED 201 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Western University ANATCELL 2200B 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Western University ANATCELL 2221 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Western University ANATCELL 3319 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Western University KIN 3222B 3 Must have previously taken HS2300, HS2330, or KIN 2222
York University KINE 2031 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Guelph-Humber KIN 1040 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Idaho BIO 227 + BIO 228 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of California, Berkeley IB 131 + IB 131L 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Lindenwood University BSC 22700 + BSC 22800 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Laurentian University PHED 1506 + PHED 1507 3 Must have taken both. Combined, these two courses fulfill 3 credits of anatomy
Langara College KINS 1110 + KINS 1131 + KINS 1132 3 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied with 3 additional credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
Bishop's University BIO 233 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 110 + KIN 131 + KIN 132 6 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied with 3 additional credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 155 If taken prior to 2020, this course fulfills 3 credits of basic/intro physiology only. If taken 2020 or after, this course fulfills 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology.
University of Alberta KIN 400 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University ANAT 216 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of New England ANAT 1005 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Capilano University KINE 190 & KINE 191 3 & 3 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these two courses fulfills 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
University of Windsor KINE 1650 3 If taken in 2020 or earlier, this course would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy.
University of Windsor KINE 1650 & KIN 1660 3 If taken in 2021 or after, you must have taken both courses. Combined, these two would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1116 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology, must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1200 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology, must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
St. Francis Xavier University HKIN 151 & HKIN 152 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
North Island College BIO 160 & BIO 161 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Northwestern Polytechnic PE 1000 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Brock University KINE 1P90 & KINE 1P98 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy; must be taken together
University of the Fraser Valley KIN 170 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
CDI College - South Surrey RMT 105 + RMT 204 + RMT 305 3&6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 6 credits of physiology
University of Manitoba BIOL 1410 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
Western University KIN 2222 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Toronto ANA 126 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of Waterloo BIOL 201 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CAPS 391/KIN131/KIN 132 6 Counted as 3 credits anatomy and 3 credits of physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Humber College MSTH 100 + 150 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy
MacEwan University PEDS 100 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy

Human Physiology

This requirement can be fulfilled with either a two-term/full-year 6 credit course in Human Physiology, or two 3 credit courses.

  • Joint Anatomy/Physiology courses count as 3 credits of Anatomy and 3 credits of basic Human Physiology when taken together.
  • Joint Anatomy/Physiology courses MUST be accompanied by 3 credits of ADVANCED human physiology to meet this requirement.
  • Advanced physiology credits are any university-level exercise physiology course or an upper level (300,400, or above) human physiology course examining human physiological systems.
  • We will only accept 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology for this prerequisite.
  • You may not use a basic human physiology course in addition to a joint anatomy/physiology course.
Institution Course Credits Notes
Acadia University KINE 2413 + KINE 2423 6 Must have taken both. Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
Alcorn State University BI 482 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Algonquin College FIT 2225 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
American Public University SPHE 314 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Arizona State University BIO 201 + BIO 202 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Arizona State University KIN 340 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Assiniboine Community College SCIE 0005 + SCIE 006 3 These two courses can be taken together to satisfy 3 credits of introductory physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Athabasca University BIOL 235 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology.
Athabasca University BIOL 230 6 Counted as 3 credits of physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1113 + BHSC 2213 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Boston University BI 211 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
Briarcrest College BIOL 115 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Brigham Young University PDBIO 205 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Brigham Young University EXSC 463 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Brock University PEKN 1P90 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Brock University PEKN 2P09 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Brock University KINE 2P90 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Brock University PEKN 2P97 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Brock University PEKN 3P90 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Burman University BIOL 410 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Burman University PETH 410 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
California State University - Sacramento KINS 142 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Camden County College BIO 211 + BIO 212 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Camosun College BIOL 144 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Camosun College BIOL 151 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic physiology
Camosun College BIOL 152 + BIOL 153 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Camosun College SPEX 210/KIN 210 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Camosun College AET 310 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise/advanced physiology
Camosun College SPEX 450/KIN 410 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Canadian University College BIOL 111 + BIOL 112 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University BIOL 104 4 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
Capilano University BIOL 112 + BIOL 113 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University HKIN 190 + HKIN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University HKIN 275 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise/advanced physiology.
Carleton University BIOL 2005 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Chapman University HSK 365 + HSK 366 3 & 3 Must have taken both. Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
College of New Caledonia BIOL 111 + BIOL 112 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
College of the Rockies KNES 206 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University HSCE 1020 + HSCE 1030 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Dalhousie University KINE 2310 3 Counts as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Dalhousie University PHYL 1000 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University PHYL 1010 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University PHYL 2030 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Dalhousie University PHYL 1001 & PHYL 1002 3 & 3 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 credits for physiology. Must have taken both courses.
Dalhousie University PHYL 2041 & PHYL 2044 3 & 3 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 credits for physiology. Must have taken both courses.
Dordt University BIO 326 4 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
Dordt University HHP 206 3 Only accepted if paired with BIO 326. Both courses combined would fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
Douglas College BIOL 1103 + BIOL 1203 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College BIOL 1105 + BIOL 1205 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College BIOL 1109 + BIOL 1209 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College SPSC 2275 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Douglas College SPSC 3275 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Douglas College SPSC 1163 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Kwantlen University BIOL 1160 + BIOL 1260 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Lake Superior State University BIOL 121 + BIOL 111 4 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Lakehead University BIOL 2030 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Langara College BIOL 1190 + BIOL 1191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Langara College HKIN/KINS 1190 + HKIN/KINS 1191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Langara College HKIN 2275A 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Le Moyne College BIO 331 + BIO 332 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Liberty University BIOL 213 + BIOL 215 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Long Island University Post BIO 7 + BIOL 8 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
MacEwan University MTST 125 + MTST 126 6 Counted as 3 credits of physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology.
MacEwan University HLSC 126 & HLSC 128 6 Must be taken together. Fulfill all 6 credits of the physiology requirement.
MacEwan University PEDS 101 & PEDS 103 6 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
Marionopolis College 101-LCV-05 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McCook Community College BIOL 2250 & BIOL 2260 3&3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McGill University EDKP 293 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
McGill University EDKP 391 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercicse physiology
McGill University EDKP 395 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercicse physiology
McGill University EDKP 485 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercicse physiology
McGill University EXMD 509 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
McGill University PHGY 209 + PHGY 210 6 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 credits for physiology. Must have taken both courses.
McGill University PHGY 212 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McGill University PHGY 213 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McGill University PHGY 502 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 1A03 + Kinesiol 1AA3 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 1A06 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 1Y03 + Kinesiol 1YY3 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University Kinesiol 2C03 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
McMaster University Kinesiol 2C06 6 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
McMaster University SCI 2F03 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
McMaster University HTHSCI 2F03 + HTHSCI 2FF3 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University HTHSCI 4K03 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University KINESIOL 2CC3 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
McMaster University KINESIOL 2Y03 + KINESIOL 2YY3 3 + 3 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
McMaster University LIFESCI 3AA3 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR 3310 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
Memorial University of Newfoundland HKR 4702 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
Mount Royal University BIOL 1216 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic physiology
Mount Royal University PHYL 3514 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Mount Royal University BIOL 1220 + BIOL 1221 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Mount Royal University BIOL 3104 + BIOL 3205 6 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
Mount Saint Vincent University BIOL 2205 + BIOL 2206 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
National Taiwan University PHYSCI-X 450 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Nipissing University PHED 2217 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic physiology
Nipissing University PHED 3006 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Northwest Community College BIO 131 + BIO 132 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Ohio Wesleyan University HHK 365 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology. No longer accepted after 2023-2024 admissions cycle.
Okanagan College BIOL 131 + BIOL 133 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Okanagan College BIOL 133 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Post University BIO 203 + BIO 204 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Queen's University KNPE 225 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University KNPE 227 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University KNPE 427 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University KNPE 429 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University PHGY 210 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University PHGY 212 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University PHGY 214 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Queen's University KNPE 125 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
Queen's University KNPE 327 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Queen's University KNPE 339 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Queen's University KNPE 439 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Quest University Canada LIF 3413 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Quest University Canada LIF 3421 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Red Deer College PSIO 258 + PSIO 259 3 & 3 Must have taken both. Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 01:146:356 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 01:377:370 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Ryerson University CFNA 301 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Ryerson University CBLG 101 & CBLG 111 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Selkirk College BIOL 164 + BIOL 165 3 & 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser University BPK 205 3 Previously titled KIN 205
Simon Fraser University BPK 208 3 Previously titled KIN 208
Simon Fraser University BPK 305 3 Previously titled KIN 305
Simon Fraser University BPK 306 3 Previously titled KIN 306
Simon Fraser University BPK 307 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiolgy
Simon Fraser University BPK 310 3 Previously titled KIN 310
Simon Fraser University KIN 865 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser University HSCI 321 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser University HSCI 322 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser University BPK 407 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Simon Fraser Unviersity BPK 409 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
St. Francis Xavier University BIO 251 + BIO 252 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Texas Tech University KIN 3305 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Texas Tech University ZOOL 2403 + ZOOL 2404 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 1592 + BIOL 1692 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 1593 + BIOL 1693 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 3550 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Thompson Rivers University HLSC 159 + HLSC 169 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University KINE 3109 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Thompson Rivers University PHED 215 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Thompson Rivers University HLTH 2501 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Thompson Rivers University HLSC 3550 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 3540 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Tisreen University Physiology 1 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology
Trinity Western University BIOL 241A + BIOL 242B 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Trinity Western University HKIN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Trinity Western University HKIN 470 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Alberta PEDS 101 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta PEDS 103 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta PEDS 200 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta PEDS 412 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta PHYSL 212 + PHYSL 214 3 Must be taken together
University of Alberta PSL304H1F 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Alberta KIN 101 + KIN 103 3 & 3 Must have taken both. Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
University of Alberta KIN 200 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Alberta - Augustana AUPED 314 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of Alberta - Augustana AUPED 215 + AUPED 216 6 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver HKIN 463 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 190 + KIN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 275 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 375 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 475 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 462 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CAPS 301 6 Previously titled PHYL 301. Counted as 3 credits of physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CAPS 421 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 235 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 435 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 424 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 153 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 155 If taken prior to 2020, this course fulfills 3 credits of basic/intro physiology only. If taken 2020 or after, this course fulfills 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 335 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver OBST 502 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan BIOL 131 + BIOL 133 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 190 + HMKN 191 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 200 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 310 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 312 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 335 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 414 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 412 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary KNES 259 + KNES 260 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary KNES 323 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Calgary KNES 373 3 Previously titled KNES 473
University of Calgary MDSC 404 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary NURS 497 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Calgary ZOOL 361 + ZOOL 363 3 Must be taken together
University of Calgary BIO 305 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of California - Los Angeles PHYSCI-X 450 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced(exercise) physiology
University of Findlay BIOL 322 & BIOL 323 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of Findlay HPE 308 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of Findlay BIOL 222 + BIOL 223 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Guelph BIOM 3110 3 No longer offered
University of Guelph BIOM 2000 3 No longer offered
University of Guelph BIOM 3100 3 No longer offered
University of Guelph BIOM 3120 3 No longer offered
University of Guelph HK 3600 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Guelph HK 3940 6 No longer offered
University of Guelph HK 4320 3 No longer offered
University of Guelph ZOOL 316 + ZOOL 363 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Guelph HK 2810 + HK 3810 6 Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits
University of Guelph BIOM 3200 3 Covers 3 credits of basic/intorductory physiology
University of Guelph HK 4550 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Hawaii at Manoa KRS 354 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Hong Kong EXSC 2003 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Idaho PEP 418 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Kent SS534 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Lethbridge KNES 3610 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Maine BIO 377 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Maine KPE 378 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Manitoba BIOL 1412 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
University of Manitoba BIOL 2410 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba BIOL 2420 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba BIOM 3110 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Manitoba KIN/PHED 3470 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
University of Minnesota - Crookston BIOL 3520 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of New Brunswick BIOL 1789 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
University of New Brunswick BIOL 1789 + BIOL 2721 3 & 3 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these courses fulfill all 6 credits of physiology.
University of Northern British Columbia BIOL 312 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 301 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 305 + HHSC 306 3 Must have taken both. Both courses combined fulfill all 6 physiology credits.
University of Northern Colorado SES 324 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Northern Colorado SES 322 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Northern Colorado BIO 245 + BIO 246 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology HLSC 1200 + HLSC 1201 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology HLSC 3481U 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ottawa APA 2301 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa APA 2701 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa APA 3114 3 Previously titled APA 3314. Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology.
University of Ottawa APA 3712 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa APA 3713 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa KIN/PHED 3470 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Ottawa PHS 3341 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ottawa PHS 3342 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Ottawa ANP 1105, ANP 1106, ANP 1107 3, 3, & 3 All three courses combined will fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and all 6 credits of physiology
University of Ottawa ANP 1505, ANP 1506, ANP 1507 3, 3, & 3 All three courses combined will fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and all 6 credits of physiology
University of Ottawa APA 4215 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Ottawa APA 3514 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Prince Edward Island BIO 1220 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic physiology
University of Prince Edward Island KINE 2210 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Regina KIN 267 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Regina KIN 268 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Regina KIN 269 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan BMSC 207 & BMSC 208 3 Counted as 6 credits of physiology; must be taken together
University of Saskatchewan HSC 350 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan KIN 225 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan KIN 226 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Saskatchewan PHPY 301, PHPY 302, & PHPY 303 Must have taken all three courses. Combined these fulfill all 6 credits of human physiology. You may also use NEUR 350 instead of PHPY 301
University of Saskatchewan PHSI 208 3 Covers all 6 credits for the physiology prerequisite requirement.
University of the Fraser Valley HSC 111 + HSC 113 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 270 3 No longer offered
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 362 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 363 4 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 370 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 463 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of the Fraser Valley KIN 270 & KIN 272 6 These two courses combined count for all 6 credits of basic and advanced physiology
University of the Fraser Valley KIN 470 3 Can be paired with KPE 270 to meet all 6 credits of the physiology requirement.
University of the Fraser Valley BIO 383 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto 95-360 3 Counted as 1.5 credits each of anatomy and physiology
University of Toronto BGY B33 H3F 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto KPE 260 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto KPE 264H1 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology.
University of Toronto KPE 360H1 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology.
University of Toronto PHE 205H1 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PHE 225H 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PHE 325H 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PSL 201Y1 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PSL 300H1F/PSL 301H 3 & 3 Must have taken both. Combined, these two courses would fulfill all 6 credits of human physiology.
University of Toronto PSL 301H1S 6 No longer offered
University of Toronto PSL 302Y 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PSL 303Y 6 No longer offered
University of Toronto PSL 303Y This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto KPE 462HIS 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Toronto JPB 1022H This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Toronto PSL 304H1 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology. Can be paired with KPE 260 to meet all 6 credits of the physiology requirement.
University of Toronto KPE 369 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Toronto SCS2159 6 Covers all 6 credits for the physiology prerequisite requirement.
University of Utah KINES 3091 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Victoria BME 201 3 Counts as 3 credits of basic physiology.
University of Victoria EPHE 241 + EPHE 242 + EPHE 155 3 All three courses must be taken together to count as 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology. All three courses and their grades must be submitted together in the Prerequisite Information Sheet.
University of Victoria EPHE 160 + EPHE 242 + EPHE 155 3 All three courses must be taken together to count as 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology. All three courses and their grades must be submitted together in the Prerequisite Information Sheet.
University of Victoria EPHE 441 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Waterloo BIOL 273 + BIOL 373 3 Combined, these two courses fulfill all 6 credits towards the physiology requirement.
University of Waterloo KIN 406 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Waterloo KIN 105 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Waterloo KIN 414 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Waterloo KIN 415 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Windsor BIOL 55-204 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Windsor BIOL 55-205 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Windsor BIOL 95-260 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Winnipeg KIN 4106 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Winnipeg BIOL 1112 4 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Vancouver Community College BIOL 1120 + BIOL 1220 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Vancouver Island University BIOL 151 + BIOL 153 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Vancouver Island University PHED 210 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Vancouver Island University PHED 220 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Vancouver Island University BIOL 156 + BIOL 157 6 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
Western University PHYSIOL 2130 6 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology
Western University PHYSIOL 3120 6 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology
Western University PHY 3420A 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Western University KIN 4430F 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Western University PHYSIOL 1021 3 Counted as 3 credits of Basic/Intro Physiology
Wilfrid Laurier University HE 431 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
York University HH/KINE 2011 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
York University HH/KINE 3012 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
York University KINE 4010 3 This listing requires further review. We cannot guarantee that this course will continue to be accepted towards prerequisite requirements starting with the September 2026 intake. If you would like to use this course, please submit a course review.
University of Victoria EPHE 340 3 Counts as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Guelph-Humber KIN 3010 3 Counts as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Regina KIN 369 3 Counts as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University KINE 375 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Capilano University KINE 320 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Trinity Western University BIOL 345 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
University of California, Berkeley IB 132 + 132L 3 Combined, these are counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
University of California, Berkeley MCELLBI X421 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Idaho BIO 227 + BIO 228 3 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Toronto BIOC 32 + BIOC 34 6 Combined, these fulfill all 6 credits of physiology
Western University KINESIOL 4432A 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Western University KINESION 4433B 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/ exercise physiology
Lindenwood University BSC 22700 + BSC 22800 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Lindenwood University EXS 31700 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Waterloo KIN 202 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 305 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 311 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 321 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 562 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 110 + KIN 131 + KIN 132 6 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied with 3 additional credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
Langara College KINS 1110 + KINS 1131 + KINS 1132 6 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied with 3 additional credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
Langara College RMTP 1100 + RMTP 1200 + RMTP 1300 6 Must have taken all 3 courses. Combined, these would fulfill 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 additional credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 313 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Waterloo KIN 202 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Alberta KIN 302 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Northern British Columbia HHSC 405 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 485 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
Western University KIN 2230 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Queen's University PHGY 215 & PHGY 216 3 & 3 Combined, these two courses would fulfill all 6 credits of physiology.
University of Toronto PSL 372H 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of Toronto PSL 421H1 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) KIN 163 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) KIN 363 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
MacEvan University HLSC 105 6 Counted as 6 credits and fulfill all physiology requirements.
McGill University PATH 300 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology
St Mary's University Twickenham SPS 4011 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Concordia University EXCI 360 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Capilano University KINE 190 & KINE 191 3 & 3 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these two courses fulfills 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology. Must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
Humber College PHYS 100 & PHYS 160 3 & 3 Combined, these two courses would fulfill all 6 credits of physiology.
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 351 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Queen's University PHGY 350 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Winnipeg KIN 3106 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
University of Waterloo BME 284 + BIOL 373 6 Must have taken both courses. Combined, these two courses fulfill 3 credits of basic physiology and 3 credits of advanced physiology.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1116 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology, must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) BHSC 1200 6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 3 credits of basic/intro physiology, must be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced or exercise physiology.
York University KINE 4440 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
York University KINE 4442 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 305 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Durham College BIOL 1302 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Durham College BIOL 2302 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 371 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver FNH 472 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Carleton University BIOL 4319 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
St. Francis Xavier University HKIN 151 & HKIN 152 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Westminster College BIOL 104 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic/introductory physiology
Westminster College NEUR 402 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
North Island College BIO 160 & BIO 161 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 101 & HES 111 & HES 120 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 101 & HES 111 & HES 320 6 Counted as 3 credits each of anatomy and physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
CDI College - South Surrey RMT 105 + RMT 204 + RMT 305 3&6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 6 credits of physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CAPS 391/KIN131/KIN 132 6 Counted as 3 credits anatomy and 3 credits of basic physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology
Capilano University KINE 275 3 Counted as 3 credits of exercise physiology.
University of Alberta PHYSL 405 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
CDI College - South Surrey RMT 105 + RMT 204 + RMT 305 3&6 Counted as 3 credits of anatomy and 6 credits of physiology
University of Alberta PHYSL 210 A/B 6 Fulfills all 6 credits of human physiology
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PSYC 370 3 Counted as 3 credits of advanced physiology.
Humber College MSTH 101 + 151 3 3 credits of basic physiology
Vancouver Island University KIN 302 3 3 credits of advanced/exercise physiology
Carleton University BIOL 3306 + BIOL 3307 3 Counted as 3 credits of basic physiology; must be taken together and be accompanied by 3 credits of advanced physiology


A one-term/half-year 3-credit course of 1st year university-level English. The course must have an assessment of reading, writing and essay composition and must be taken at university or college level.

 All courses coded as ENGL taken at a North American post-secondary institution (level 100 or higher) are acceptable towards this prerequisite requirement. Technical writing, College/University Prep, Humanities or Social Science courses will not be accepted.

Institution Course Credits Notes
All acceptable post-secondary North American Institutions ENGL XXX All courses coded as ENGL taken at a North American post-secondary institution, (level 100 or higher) are acceptable towards this prerequisite requirement. Technical writing courses coded as ENGL are not acceptable prerequisites.
Acadia University COMM 1213 3 This course will no longer be accepted after the application cycle for the 2024 intake.
Athabasca University ENGL 255 3
Ball State University ENGL 104 3
Bishop's University ENGL 102 3
Boston University WR 100 3
Camosun College ENGL 151 3
Dartmouth College WRIT 005 3
Dordt University CORE 180 3
Idaho University ENGL 102 3
Lake Superior State University ENGL 111 3
McGill University CEAP 250 3
Michigan State University WRA 150 3
Mount Royal University GNED 1401 3
Mount Royal University GNED 1404 3
New Mexico State University ENGL 111 3
Nipissing University ACAD 1601 3
Queen's University WRIT 125 3
Quest University Canada IND 2002 3
Quest University Canada IND 2200 3
Rutgers University - New Brunswick 01:355:101 3
Sheridan College COMM 19999 3
Tulane University English 1010 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver ASTU 100B P01 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver WRDS 150 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver SCIE 113 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver ENGL 110 3
University of Calgary ACWR 303 3
University of Guelph - Humber AHSS 2000 3
University of Hong Kong CAES 9820 3
University of Idaho ENGL 102 3
University of Lethbridge WRIT 1000 3
University of Michigan AMCULT 410 3
University of Michigan HONORS 241 3
University of Ontario Institute of Technology HLSC 1701U 3
University of Ottawa ENGL 1100 3
University of Prince Edward Island ENGL 1010 3
University of Regina KIN 101 3
University of Saskatchewan ENG 111 3
University of the Fraser Valley CSM 108 3
University of Toronto - Mississauga WRI 203 3
University of Toronto - Mississauga ENG 100 3
University of Utah WRTG 2010 3
University of Western Ontario KIN 3378F 3 Previously titled ENGL 2680F/G
University of Western Ontario WRIT 2111F/G 3
York University AP/EN 1001 3
York University EN 1953 3
McGill University WCOM 250 3
University of California - Berkeley THEATER R1B 3
Thompson Rivers University ENGL 3410 3
University of California - Berkeley THEATER R1B 3
University of Toronto WRR 203 3
University of Toronto WRR 103 3
Simon Fraser University WL 101W 3
Ontario Tech University KINE 1020 3
North Island College ENG 115 3
York University EN 1201 3
University of Ottawa ENG 2118 3
University of Victoria ATWP 135 3


A one-term/half-year 3-credit course of university-level physics or BC Physics 12 (or out-of-province equivalent Grade 12 physics). We do not require that you complete a lab component. Bio-mechanics will not be accepted to cover this prerequisite.

Institution Course Credits Notes
Alberta High School PHYS 30
Athabasca University PHYS 177 3
Athabasca University PHYS 200 3
Ball State University PHYS 110 3
Boston University PY 105 3
Brigham Young University PHSCS 105 3
British Columbia Institute of Technology PHYS 0312 3
British Columbia Institute of Technology PHYS 1301 3
British Columbia Secondary School (& Online) PHYS 12
Brock University PHYS 1P91 3
Burman University PHYS 111 3
Camosun College PHYS 101 3
Camosun College PHYS 140 3
Camosun College PHYS 104 3
Camosun College PHYS 160 3
Capilano University PHYS 104 3
CEGEP Andre-Grasset 203-NYA/NYB/NYC 3
Chapman University PHYS 108 3
Dalhousie College of Continuing Education Physics 0010.10 3
Dalhousie University PHYC 1310 3
Dordt University PHYS 215 3
Douglas College PHYS 1104 5
Georgian College PHYS 1000 3
Grand Valley State University PHY 200 4
Grant MacEwan University PHYS 130 3
Holy Names University PHYS 0088 3
Laurentian University PHYS 1006 3
Laurentian University PHYS 1007 3
Liberty University PHYS 101 3
Long Island University Post PHY 12-001 4
MacEwan University PHYS 124 3
Manitoba High School PHYS 40S
McGill University AEPH 112 4
McGill University PHYS 102 3
McMaster University PHYS 1S03 3
McMaster University PHYS 1P03 3
McMaster University PHYS 1A03 3
Memorial University of Newfoundland PHYS 1020 3
Monash University BMS 1031 3
Mount Royal University PHYS 1201 3
Mount Royal University PHYS 0130 3
National Taiwan University PHYS 1008
New Brunswick High School Physics 121 or 122
Newfoundland and Labrador High School PHYS 3204
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ASP 176 3
Northwest Territories PHYS 30
Nova Scotia High School Physics 12
Nunavut PHYS 30
Okanagan College PHYS 012
Okanagan College PHYS 111 3
Okanagan College PHYS 112 3
Ontario High School SPH 4U (PHYS)
Palo Alto High School PHYS 12
Post University PHY 115 3
Prince Edward Island High School PHYS 621A
Queen's University PHYS 118 3
Quest University PHY 2101 3
Riverside City College PHY 10
Rutgers University, New Brunswick 01:750:193 3
San Joaquin Delta College PHYSC 002A 3
Saskatchewan High School Physics 30 3
Simon Fraser University PHYS 120 3
Simon Fraser University PHYS 101 3
Simon Fraser University PHYS 102 3
South Dakota State University PHYS 111 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 0601 3
University of Alberta MEC E 250 3
University of Alberta PHYS 124 3
University of Alberta-Augustana AUPHY 102
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 100 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 101 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 117 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 102A 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 131 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHYS 118 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan PHYS 111 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan PHYS 112 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan PHYS 121 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan PHYS 122 3
University of Calgary PHYS 211 3
University of Calgary PHYS 371 3
University of Calgary PHYS 223 3
University of Calgary PHYS 221 3
University of Calgary PHYS 271 3
University of Findlay PHYS 250 3
University of Findlay PHYS 251 3
University of Guelph PHYS 1300 3
University of Hong Kong PHYS 1240 3
University of Idaho PHYS 111 3
University of Maine PHY 121 3
University of New Brunswick PHYS 1072 3
University of New England PHYS 1010 3
University of Northern Colorado PHYS 221 3
University of Ontario Institute of Technology HLSC 2702U 3
University of Ottawa PHY 1321 3
University of Regina PHYS 109 3
University of Saskatchewan PHYS 155 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 101 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 105 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 111 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 112 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 221 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 225 3
University of the Fraser Valley PHYS 231 3
University of Texas at Austin PS 303 3
University of Texas at Austin PS 304 3
University of Toronto PHY 100H1 3
University of Utah PHYS 2010 3
University of Victoria PHYS 110 3
University of Victoria PHYS 102A 3
University of Waterloo PHYS 111 3
University of Western Ontario PHYS 1028A 3
University of Western Ontario PHYS 2065 3
University of Western Ontario Physics 1029B 3
Waseda University PHYB241L 3
Western University PHYS 1301 3
Western University PHYS 1021 3
Wilfrid Laurier University PC 142 3
Wilfrid Laurier University PC 161 3
York University PHYS 1411 3
York University PHYS 1421 3
York University PHYS 1510 3
Yukon Secondary School PHYS 12
Yukon University PHYS 100 3
Ontario Tech University HLSC 2702 3
Brock University PHYS 1P21 3
St. Francis Xavier University PHYS 102 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 1103 3
University of Alberta Augustana AUPHY 120 3
University of California - Berkeley PHYS 8B 3
Washington State University PHYS 101 3
Washington State University PHYS 102 3
Concordia University of Edmonton PHY 121A 3
Trinity Western University PHYS 111 3
Trinity Western University PHYS 112 3
McMaster University Physics 1D03 3
University of Lethbridge PHYS 1050 3
Queen's University PHYS 115 3
Queen's University PHYS 117 3
Dalhousie College of Continuing Education Physics 0010.00 3
University of Toronto Scarborough PHYA22 3
University of Calgary UPG 230 3
University of Western Ontario PHYSICS 1101 3
Quest University Canada PHY 2108 3
University of Victoria PHYS 102B 3
Langara College PHYS 1118 3
University of Western Ontario PHYS 1201 3
Ontario Tech University KINE 1030 3
University of Saskatchewan PHYS 115 3
McMaster University PHYSICS 1AA3 3
North Island College PHY 100 + PHY 101 3
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) PCS 106 3
Douglas College PHYS 1107 3
University of Winnipeg PHYS 1301 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 1100 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 1150 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 1200 3
Thompson Rivers University PHYS 1250 3
Thompson Rivers University EPHY 1170 3
Thompson Rivers University EPHY 1270 3


A one-term/half-year 3-credit course of university-level psychology.

 All courses coded as PSYC taken at a North American post-secondary institution (level 100 or higher) are acceptable towards this prerequisite requirement. Sport psychology courses will not be accepted to cover this prerequisite.

Institution Course Credits Notes
All acceptable post-secondary North American institutions PSYC XXX All courses coded as PSYC taken at a North American post-secondary institution, (level 100 or higher) are acceptable towards this prerequisite requirement.
Auckland University of Technology HEAL 504 3
Boston University PS 231 3
Brock University PSYC 1F90 3
Hong Kong Baptist University PSYC 1005 3
Lake Superior State University PSYC 155 3
National Taiwan University PSY1005 3
New Mexico State University PSYC 201 3
Quest University Canada SOC 3302 3
Quest University Canada SOC 3304 3
Quest University Canada SOC 3307 3
Quest University Canada LIF 3321 3
Rutgers University 50: 830: 326: 90 3
Rutgers University - New Brunswick 01:830:101 3
Simon Fraser University COGS 100 3
Trinidad State Junior College PSY 230 3
Tulane University PSYC 1000 3
University of Alberta HE ED 321 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver EPSE 406 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 231 3 Must have been taken in 2015 or earlier
University of British Columbia - Vancouver CNPS 433 3
University of Calgary KNES 397 3 Must have been taken before Summer 2016
University of Guelph-Humber AHSS 1110 3
University of Guelph-Humber AHSS 1120 3
University of Hong Kong PSYC 1001 3
University of Prince Edward Island PSY 1020 3
University of Portland PSY 351 3
University of Saskatchewan PSY 120 3
University of Saskatchewan KIN 231 3 Must have been taken before Summer 2016
University of Toronto KPE 220 3
University of Toronto - St. George PSY 290 3
University of Victoria ED-D 301 3
University of Western Ontario KIN 1088 3 Must have been taken before Summer 2016
Waseda University PSYX102L 3
Washington State University PSYC 105 3
Washington State University ED_PSYCH 508 3
University of Montreal/Université de Montréal PSY 2065 3
North Island College PSY 130 3


A one-term/half-year 3-credit course of statistics. Course content should include statistical methods, probability theory, discrete and continuous random variables, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, analysis or variance, goodness of fit, confidence intervals, elementary non-parametric methods, exploratory data analysis and hypothesis testing, simple linear regression, and contingency tables variances.

Institution Course Credits Notes
Alcorn State University MA 377 3
Arizona State University STP 226 3
Athabasca University MATH 215 3
Athabasca University SOCI 301 3
Auckland University of Technology BU 1007 3
Bishop's University PHYS 101 3
Boston University MA 116 3
Brescia University College (UWO) SOCI 2205B 3
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) OPMT 1197 3
Brock University KINE 3P08 3
Brock University MATH 1P98 3
Burman University MATH 240 3
Camosun College STAT 216 3
Camosun College SPEX 410/KIN 310 3
Capilano University STAT 101 3
Carleton University STAT 2606 3
Chapman University PSY 203 3
Chinese University of Hong Kong SOCI 1003 3
Chinese University of Hong Kong SOCI 2004 3
Chinese University of Hong Kong SOCI 3229 3
College of New Caledonia PSYC 201 3
College of New Caledonia MATH 104 3
Concordia University of Edmonton MATH 151 3
Dalhousie University HAHP 3100 3
Dalhousie University STAT 2080 3
Dalhousie University STAT 1060 3
Dartmouth College ECON 020 3
Delaware Community College MAT 210 3
Douglas College MATH 1160 3
Edmonds Community College MATH 146 3
Grand Valley State University STA 215 3
Holy Names University MATH 60 3
James Cook University BU 1007 3
Lakehead University KINE 5011 3
Lakeland College STAT 151 3
Lake Superior State University PSYC 210 3
Lake Superior State University MATH 207 4
Langara College KIN 2206 3
Langara College STAT 1124 3
Laval University EPM-66594 3
Laval University EPM-66595 3
Liberty University MATH 201 3
Long Island University MTH 019 3
McGill University MATH 203 3
McGill University PSYC 204 3
McGill University PSYC 305 3
McGill University EDPE 375 3
McMaster University HTHSCI 2A03 3
McMaster University HTHSCI 2S03 3
McMaster University STATS 2B03 3
McMaster University STATS 1CC3 3
Memorial University of Newfoundland STAT 2550 3
Mount Royal University HPED 2030 3
Mount Royal University HPED 3030 3
Mount Royal University MATH 2333 3
Mount Royal University MATH 2233 3
National Taiwan University PH 2003 3
New Mexico State University STATS 251 3
Nipissing University PHED 3306 3
Okanagan College STAT 121 3
Okanagan College STAT 124 3
Post University MAT 220 3
Queen's University BIOL 243 3
Queen's University KHS 891 3
Queen's University KNPE 251 3
Queen's University PSYC 202 3
Queen's University STAM 200 3
Queen's University STAT 263 3
Quest University Canada MAT 3001 3
Quest University Canada IND 3146 3
Red Deer College STAT 241 3
Rutgers University - New Brunswick 01:960:401 3
Saint Mary's University BIO 3308 3
San Joaquin Delta College MATH 012 3
Simon Fraser University BPK 304 3
Simon Fraser University HSCI 410 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 101 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 270 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 203 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 201 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 100 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 302 3
Simon Fraser University STAT 305 3
South Dakota State University STAT 281 3
Texas Tech University MATH 2300 3
Thompson Rivers University STAT 1201 3
Thompson Rivers University BIOL 3000 3
Tulane University MATH 1230 3
University of Alberta MGTSC 312 3
University of Alberta PEDS 109 3
University of Alberta STAT 211 3
University of Alberta CIV-E 290 3
University of Alberta STAT 235 3
University of Alberta STAT 252 3
University of Alberta STAT 151 3
University of Alberta PTHER 352 3
University of Alberta KIN 109 3
University of Alberta - Augustana AUSTAT 215 3
University of Birmingham 03-27378 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver EPSE 592 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver EPSE 482 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver BIOL 300 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 371 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 570 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 572 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver LFS 252 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver MECH 305 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PHAR 590 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PSYC 218 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver STAT 200 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver STAT 251 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver SPPH 400 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PATH 548L 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PSYC 277 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver PSYC 278 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver RHSC 500 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver STAT 203 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver KIN 206 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver COMM 291 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan APSC 254 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan BIOL 202 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HMKN 205 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HEAL 300 3 Previously titled HMKN 300
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HEAL 301 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan STAT 121 3
University of Calgary KNES 375 3
University of Calgary BIOL 315 3
University of Calgary MDSC 407 3
University of Calgary SOCI 311 3
University of Calgary SOCI 315 3
University of Calgary STAT 205 3
University of Calgary STAT 213 3
University of Calgary STAT 217 3
University of Findlay MATH 123 3
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 400 3
University of Guelph STAT 2040 3
University of Guelph STAT 2050 3
University of Guelph - Humber SCMA 3080 3
University of Hawaii at Manoa KRS 474 3
University of Hong Kong STAT 1600B 3
University of Idaho STAT 251 3
University of Kent SS575 3
University of Lethbridge KNES 220 3
University of Lethbridge PSYC 2030 3
University of Lethbridge STAT 1770 3
University of Lethbridge KNES 2200 3
University of Maine KPE 372 3
University of Manitoba STAT 1000 3
University of New Brunswick STAT 2264 3
University of Northern British Columbia ECON 205 3
University of Northern Colorado STAT 150 3
University of Ottawa NUT 3504 + NUT 4501 3
University of Prince Edward Island STAT 1210 3
University of Regina KIN 220 3
University of Regina STAT 100 3
University of Saskatchewan COMM 207 3
University of Saskatchewan KIN 808 3
University of Saskatchewan PLSC 214 3
University of Saskatchewan STAT 245 3
University of the Fraser Valley STAT 104 3
University of the Fraser Valley STAT 106 3
University of the Fraser Valley PSYC 110 3
University of the Fraser Valley KPE 400 3
University of Toronto BUAD 310 3
University of Toronto KPE 290Y1 3
University of Toronto STAT 220 3
University of Toronto STAT 221 3
University of Toronto PSY 201 3
University of Toronto PHE 203Y 3
University of Toronto KPE 291H1 3
University of Toronto - Mississauga STA 215 3
University of Toronto - St. George KPE 291 3
University of Toronto - St. George PSYC 202 3
University of Utah SOC 3112 3
University of Victoria EPHE 487 3
University of Victoria PSYC 300A 3
University of Victoria PSYC 300B 3
University of Victoria STAT 252 3
University of Victoria STAT 255 3
University of Victoria STAT 256 3
University of Victoria STAT 355 3
University of Victoria GEOG 226 3
University of Victoria ED-D 560 3
University of Waterloo KIN 222 3
University of Waterloo KIN 232 3
University of Waterloo KIN 630 3
University of Waterloo SYDE 212 3
University of Waterloo STAT 202 3
University of Western Ontario MATH 1228B 3
University of Western Ontario KIN 2032B 3
University of Western Ontario SS 241B 3
University of Western Ontario PSYCH 2850A 3
University of Western Ontario BIOL/STAT 2244A 3
University of Western Ontario STAT 1024 3
University of Western Ontario STAT 2037A 3
University of Western Ontario STAT 2035 3
University of Western Ontario BIOL/STAT 2244A 3
University of Western Ontario STAT 1023 3
University of Western Ontario HLTHSCI 3801B 3
University of Winnipeg PSYC 2101 3
Vancouver Community College MATH 1111 3
Vancouver Island University MATH 161 3
Vancouver Island University MATH 203 3
Vancouver Island University MATH 181 3
Wilfrid Laurier University BI 393 3
Wilfrid Laurier University KP 390 3
York University KINE 2050 3
York University PSYC 2021 3
Yukon University MATH 210 3
Concordia University EXCI 310 3
Lindenwood University MTH 14100 3
St. Francis Xavier University STAT 101 3
University of Alberta Augustana AUSTA 153 3
Bishop's University PHY 101 3
University of Calgary KNES 213 3
University of Ottawa APA 3381 3
University of California - Berkeley MATH 10B 3
Capilano University KINE 302 3
Washington State University STAT 212 3
McMaster University STAT 2MB3 3
Trinity Western University MATH 102 3
Ontario Tech University HLSC 3800 3
University of Montreal/Université de Montréal BIO 2043 3
Douglas College BUSN 2429 3
Ontario Tech University 3010U 3
MacEwan University PEDS 109 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan STAT 124 3
University of Toronto Scarborough PSYC 08 3
Toronto Metropolitan University ENH 440 3
McMaster University HTHSCI 2G03 3
McMaster University HTHSCI 2GG3 3
University of Guelph STAT 2230 3
University of Guelph PSYC 1010 3
University of Waterloo MSCI 252 3
Carleton University PSYC 2002 3
Carleton University PSYC 3000 3
Vancouver Island University MATH 211 3
Carleton University NEUR 2002 3
Langara College STAT 1123 3
University of Victoria HLTH 425 3
Douglas College PSYC 2300 3
North Island College STA 115 3
University of Toronto IRW 220 3
Trinity Western University PSYC 207 3
University of British Columbia - Okanagan HES 340 3
University of Northern British Columbia STAT 240 3
University of British Columbia - Vancouver STAT 545A + 545B 3
University of Windsor KINE 2690 3
Wilfrid Laurier University EC 255 3
University of Winnipeg STAT 1501 3