Be Happy

Be Happy: Give to PT!

Recent research conducted at UBC has shown that giving to others can also significantly benefit our own well-being. You can try this for yourself by donating here.

When people are asked to imagine receiving a small windfall of money, most believe that spending it on themselves, rather than giving it away, will make them happiest. UBC’s research consistently shows that, in fact, the opposite is true. In one study, people were given some money and assigned the task of either spending it on themselves or giving it away. Despite most subjects’ own prediction, it was the group who gave the money away that reported feeling happiest later the same day. These findings have been shown to hold true internationally and across socio-economic boundaries, and are even seen in toddlers, who are happier when giving away their treats to others.

This research is just one example of the amazing work taking place here at UBC, but it really speaks to everyone. There is so much potential in every student and researcher here to do something that shapes the way we see and think about the world, and donor support is vital in helping them make their aspirations a reality.

Seeing a young person achieve his or her potential means that everything we do to support them here at the Department of Physical Therapy has been worthwhile. The financial support made possible by donors like you is essential to that success. It frees a student from financial worries, and helps them soar.

Our priority this year is to ensure we can continue to directly support the Physical Therapy students who need it the most. We do this by providing bursaries to those in financial need, help that can make a significant difference to a student, by easing their concerns about money and allowing them to focus on their studies. Bursaries can be vital to a student’s success, and we can only provide them with your support.

You can make a gift to support PT students in financial need by clicking on the BE HAPPY button below. Please show your support, and we hope you feel the benefits that have been shown in our research studies. Thank you.BE-HAPPY-new