PABC Physiotherapy Impact video features Clinical Assistant Professor Chiara Singh


In these last days of National Physiotherapy Month the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia has once again come up with an inspiring way to promote the profession. They have released their first “story of impact video” for 2014 – Born to Run – Darren’s Journey – featuring PABC member Chiara Singh, Clinical Supervisor, Physiotherapy at Surrey Memorial Hospital. It’s the first in a series of videos.


Receiving physiotherapy after cancer – or any major illness or injury – can make a remarkable difference in recovery. It certainly has for Darren, a bright young boy and football player from Surrey B.C. who began physiotherapy with Chiara after surgery and chemotherapy for a brain tumour. This video tells their story.


Watch the video now

When Darren began physiotherapy, he couldn’t walk or move his right arm. Today, he’s throwing a football and learning to run again – always with a big smile on his face, and a dream of playing the sports he loves again.