Caitlin Williams, BPHE, BSc (Biology), MPT
MPT-Vancouver Site Coordinator
Caitlin draws from her extensive experience as a clinician, and her interest in education to teach in a variety of different Physical Therapy content areas. Caitlin has teaching and course coordination roles in the following Master of Physical Therapy courses:
PHTH 514 Clinical Practice I: An introduction to foundational physical therapy procedures and techniques, basic surface anatomy and sports physical therapy.
PHTH 524 Clinical Practice II: An introduction to both musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory practice.
PHTH 534 Clinical Practice III: Preparation for clinical placement.
PHTH 564 Clinical Practice VIa: Assessment and treatment of specific populations including critical care, limb loss, oncology, spinal cord injury, pelvic health and manual techniques.
RHSC 420 Elements of Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology: An introduction to the structure and function of the human nervous system.
Caitlin is currently a Co-PI investigating “Participation in Rehabilitation While on Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation as a Bridge to Lung Transplantation: A Retrospective Descriptive Cohort Study, funded by the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.
Conference Presentations:
Williams C, Morris K, Fisherman P, Curtis A. Hand dysfunction following critical illness: an exploratory study. Intensive Care Society State of the Art Conference, 2019, Birmingham, UK.
Williams C. Breathing Pattern Disorders. Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia Conference, 2023, Kelowna, BC.
As the Vancouver Site Coordinator for the MPT Program, Caitlin supports both the Academic and Clinical Education arms of the Program. She is a member of both the MPT Program and MPT Curriculum committees. Caitlin also teaches in the Physio Refresh Program which supports Internationally Educated Physical Therapists (IEPTs) preparation for practice, and examines for the ACE BC (BC entry-to-practice exam). Beyond UBC, Caitlin is Chair of the Cardiorespiratory Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.