RHSC 587 (Project Supervisor – Online MRSc Program): Major Project, Part I (3 credits)
RHSC 589 (Project Supervisor – Online MRSc Program): Major Project, Part II (6 credits)
Although not actively involved in her own research since her 2008 retirement, Dr. Harris supervises and mentors graduate students and pediatric physical and occupational therapy clinicians in two different roles. As a Major Project Supervisor for RHSC 587 (Major Project, Part I) and RHSC 589 (Major Project, Part II) for the Master’s in Rehabilitation Sciences (MRSc) online graduate program at UBC, she has supervised both OT and PT students all the way through to publication of their major projects. In her role as a clinical research consultant at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Susan assists PT and OT clinicians in preparing and submitting manuscripts for peer review and possible publication, collaborates in conducting systematic reviews and editing on-line Evidence-for-Practice (E4P) Reviews, and mentors clinicians in preparing ethics applications and grant proposals.
Dr. Harris has more than 150 peer-reviewed publications (1978 – 2016). Listed below are publications from 1990 to the present. Trainees who were directly supervised by her are underlined.
• Harris SR. A plea for developmental motor screening in Canadian infants. Paediatrics & Child Health (in press).
• Miller S, Harris SR, Mulpuri K. Diagnosis and treatment recommendations in children referred for gait abnormalities: Concordance between a physical therapist and a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Pediatric Physical Therapy (in press).
• Harris SR. Measuring head circumference: Update on infant microcephaly. Canadian Family Physician. 2015;61:680-684.
• Dion S, Duivestein JA, St. Pierre A, Harris SR. Use of thickened liquids to manage feeding difficulties in infants: A pilot survey of practice patterns in Canadian pediatric centers. Dysphagia. 2015;30:457-72. doi: 10.1007/s00455-015-9625-2.
• Long SH, Eldridge BE, Harris SR, Cheung MMH. Gross motor skills of school-age children who underwent early cardiac surgery. Cardiology in the Young. 2015 June 5:1-8 [E-pub ahead of print].
• Harris SR, Mickelson EC, Zwicker JG. Diagnosis and management of developmental coordination disorder. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2015;187:659-65.
• Harris SR. A spontaneous rib fracture in a 66-year-old woman. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2015;187:988-9. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.141435. Epub 2015 Mar 2.
• Long SH, Eldrige BA, Harris SR, Cheung M. Challenges in trying to implement an early intervention program for infants with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2015 Spring;27:38-43. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000101.
• Brown JC, Kumar A, Cheville AL, Tchou JC, Troxel AB, Harris SR, Schmitz KH. Association between lymphedema self-care adherence and lymphedema outcomes among women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2015;94:288-96. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000178.
• Hilderman CGE, Harris SR. Early intervention post-hospital discharge for infants born preterm. Physical Therapy. 2014;94:1211-1219. Epub 2014 May 1.
• Mayson TA, Harris SR. Functional electrical stimulation cycling in youth with spinal cord injury: A review of intervention studies. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2014;37:266-277.
• Brown JC, Cheville AL, Tchou JC, Harris SR, Schmitz KH. Prescription and adherence to lymphedema self-care modalities among women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2014;22:135-43. DOI 10.1007/s00520-013-1962-9
• Harris SR. Congenital idiopathic microcephaly in an infant: Congruence of head size with developmental motor delay. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2013;16:129-132.
• Harris SR. “We’re all in the same boat”: A review of the benefits of dragon boat racing for women living with breast cancer. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012;2012:167651. Epub 2012 Jun 28.
• Zwicker JG, Missiuna C, Harris SR, Boyd LA. Developmental coordination disorder: A review and update. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 2012 June 14 [Epub ahead of print]
• Mayson TA, Ward VJ, Harris SR. Parent goals as outcome measures for children receiving treadmill training: A series of case reports. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2012;15:219-222.
• Zwicker JG, Harris SR, Klassen AF. Quality of life domains affected in children with developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review. Child: Care, Health & Development. 2012;Apr 20: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01379.x [Epub ahead of print]
• Stout NL, Binkley J, Schmitz KH, Andrews K, Hayes SC, Campbell KL, McNeely M, Soballe PW, Berger AM, Cheville AL, Fabian C, Gerber L, Harris SR, et al. Prospective surveillance model for rehabilitation for women with breast cancer. Cancer. 2012;118 (8 Suppl):2191-2200.
• Harris SR, Schmitz KH, Campbell KL, McNeely ML. Clinical practice guidelines for breast cancer rehabilitation: Syntheses of guideline recommendations and qualitative appraisals. Cancer. 2012;118 (8 Suppl):2312-2324.
• Binkley J, Harris SR, Levangie PK, Pearl M, Guglielmino J, Kraus V, Rowden D. Prospective model of care for breast cancer rehabilitation – Patient perspectives. Cancer. 2012;118 (8 Suppl):2207-16.
• Long SH, Harris SR, Eldridge BJ, Galea MP. Gross motor development is delayed following cardiac surgery. Cardiology in the Young. 2012 Feb 29:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]
• Zwicker JG, Missiuna C, Harris SR, Boyd LA. Developmental coordination disorder: A pilot diffusion tensor imaging study. Pediatric Neurology. 2012;46:162-167.
• Long SH, Galea MP, Eldridge BJ, Harris SR. Does the Bayley-III underestimate developmental delay in 2-year-old children with congenital heart disease? Early Human Development. 2012 Aug;88(8):603-7. Epub 2012 Feb 14.
• Long SH, Galea MP, Eldridge BJ, Harris SR. Risk factors for gross motor dysfunction in infants with congenital heart disease. Infants & Young Children. 2011;24:246-258.
• Feehan LM, Beck CA, Harris SR, MacIntyre DL, Li LC. Exercise prescription after fragility fractures in older adults: A scoping review. Osteoporosis International. 2011;22(5):1289-1322.
• Dusdal K, Grundmanis J, Luttin K, Ritchie P, Rompre C, Sidhu R, Harris SR. Effects of therapeutic exercise on persons with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: A systematic review. Osteoporosis International. 2011;22:755-769.
• Zwicker JG, Missiuna C, Harris SR, Boyd LA. Brain activation associated with motor skill practice in children with developmental coordination disorder: An fMRI study. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2011;29:145-152.
• Cardoso MV, Maia PC, Silva LP, Silva GR, Hayes VE, Harris SR. Infant development and parents’ perceptions associated with use of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste. 2010;11:124-132.
• Randahwa B, Harris SR, Boyd LA. Kinesthetic and Visual Imagery Questionnaire is a reliable tool in individuals with Parkinson disease. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. 2010;34:161-167.
• Horsman M, Suto M, Dudgeon B, Harris SR. Growing older with cerebral palsy: Insiders’ perspectives. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2010;22:296-303.
• Zwicker JG, Missiuna C, Harris SR, Boyd LA. Children with developmental coordination disorder activate different brain regions than peers to support motor performance. Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-0059. 2010 Aug 16 [E-pub ahead of print].
• Horsman M, Suto M, Dudgeon B, Harris SR. Aging with cerebral palsy: Psychosocial issues. Age & Ageing. 2010;39:294-299. E-pub 2010 Feb 22.
• Harris SR, Backman CL, Mayson TA. Comparative predictive validity of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale and the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2010; 52:462-467. E-pub 2009 Oct 26.
• Thorne SE, Oliffe J, Kim-Sing C, Hislop TG, Stajduhar K, Harris SR, Armstrong E-A, Oglov V. Helpful communications during the diagnostic period: An interpretive description of patient preferences. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2010;19:746-754. E-pub 2009 Oct 14.
• Dagenais L, Lahay ER. Stueck KA, White E, Williams L, Harris SR. Effects of electrical stimulation, exercise training and motor skills training on strength of children with meningomyelocele: A systematic review. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 2009;29:445-463.
• Thorne SE, Armstrong E-A, Harris SR, Hislop TG, Kim-Sing C, Oglov V, Oliffe J, Stajduhar K. Patient real-time and 12-month retrospective perceptions of difficult communications in the cancer diagnostic period. Qualitative Health Research. 2009;19:1383-1394.
• Harris SR. Listening to parents’ concerns: Three case examples of infants with developmental motor delays. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2009;21:269-274.
• Beaton R, Pagdin-Friesen W, Robertson C, Vigar C, Watson H, Harris SR. Effects of exercise interventions on persons with metastatic cancer: A systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada. 2009;61:141-153. [Selected as the best student research article published in Physiotherapy Canada in 2009]
• Mayson TA, Harris SR, Backman CL, Hayes VE. Motor development in Canadian infants of Asian and European ethnic origins. Journal of Early Intervention. 2009;31;199-214.
• Mayson TA, Hayes VE, Harris SR, Backman CL. Comparison of two methods of teaching early childhood professionals to score a developmental screening test. Journal of Allied Health. 2009;38:100-105.
• Zwicker JG, Harris SR. A reflection on motor learning theory in pediatric occupational therapy practice. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2009;76:29-37.
• McCoy SW, Bowman A, Smith-Blockley J, Sanders K, Megens AM, Harris SR. The Harris Infant Neuromotor Test (HINT): Comparison of US and Canadian normative data and examination of concurrent validity with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. Physical Therapy. 2009;89:173-180.
• Bicego D, Brown K, Ruddick M, Storey D, Wong C, Harris SR. Effects of exercise on quality of life in women living with breast cancer: a systematic review. The Breast Journal. 2009;15(1):45-51.
• Drescher K, Hardy S, MacLean J, Schindler M, Scott, K, Harris SR. Efficacy of postural and neck stabilization exercises for persons with acute whiplash-associated disorders: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada. 2008;60:215-223.
• Chung J, Evans J, Lee C, Lee J, Rabbani Y, Roxborough L, Harris SR. Effectiveness of adaptive seating on sitting posture and postural control in children with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2008;20:303-317.
• Harris SR. Congenital hypotonia: Clinical and developmental assessment. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2008; 50:889-892.
• Goelman H & The CHILD Project (SR Harris is one of 22 co-authors). Three complementary community-based approaches to the early identification of young children at risk for developmental delays/ disorders. Infants & Young Children. 2008;21:306-323.
• Petrus C, Adamson SR, Block L, Einarson SJ, Sharifnejad M, Harris SR. Effects of exercise interventions on stereotypic behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorder. Physiotherapy Canada. 2008;60:134-145. [Selected as the best student research article published in Physiotherapy Canada in 2008]
• Keays K, Harris SR, Lucyshyn JM, MacIntyre DL. Effects of Pilates exercises on shoulder range of motion, pain, mood, and upper extremity function in women living with breast cancer: a pilot study. Physical Therapy. 2008;88:494-510.
• Zwicker JG, Harris SR. Quality of life of former preterm and very low birth weight infants from preschool age to adulthood: A systematic review. Pediatrics. 2008;121:e366-376.
• Logan LR, Hickman RR, Harris SR, Heriza CB. Single-subject research design: recommendations for levels of evidence and quality rating. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2008:50;99-103.
• Tse L, Leo S, Fuchs T, Lee LLS, Harris SR, Hayes VE, Backman CL, Cameron D, Tardif M. Concurrent validity of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test and the Alberta Infant Motor Scale. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2008;23:28-36.
• Fowler EG, Kolobe TH, Damiano DL, et al; Section on Pediatrics Research Summit Participants; Section on Pediatrics Research Summit Task Force. Promotion of physical fitness and prevention of secondary conditions for children with cerebral palsy: Section on Pediatrics Research Summit proceedings. Physical Therapy. 2007;87:495-510.
• Mayson TA, Harris SR, Backman CL. Similarities and differences in gross motor development in children of varied ethnic backgrounds: A literature review. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2007;19:148-53.
• Petryk A, Harris SR, Jongbloed L. Breastfeeding and neurodevelopment: A literature review. Infants & Young Children. 2007;20(2):120-134.
• Ravenscroft EF, Harris SR. Is maternal education related to infant motor development? Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2007;19:56-61.
• Megens AM, Harris SR, Backman CL, Hayes VA. Known groups validity of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Physical Therapy. 2007:87:164-169.
• Bicego D, Brown K, Ruddick M, Storey D, Wong C, Harris SR. Exercise for women with or at risk for breast cancer-related lymphedema. Physical Therapy. 2006;86:1398-1405.
• Mortenson PA, Harris SR. Playfulness in children with traumatic brain injury: A preliminary study. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 2006;26 (1-2):181-198.
• Medlicott M, Harris SR. A systematic review of the effectiveness of exercise, manual therapy, relaxation training, and biofeedback in the management of temporomandibular disorder. Physical Therapy. 2006; 86:955-973.
• Dumont TL, MacIntyre DL, Harris SR. Effects of a six-week eccentric exercise
program on patients with jumper’s knee. Physiotherapy Canada. 2006;58:130-147.
• Bainbridge LA, Harris SR. Informed shared decision-making: A model for physical
therapy education and practice? Physiotherapy Canada. 2006; 58:74-81. [This article
was selected as the best knowledge translation article published in Physiotherapy
Canada in 2006.]
• Harris SR, Megens AM, Backman CL, Hayes VE. Stability of the Bayley-II in a sample of low- risk and high-risk infants. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2005;47:820-823.
• Thorne SE, Kuo M, Amstrong E-A, McPherson G, Harris SR, Hislop TG. Being known: patients’ perspective of the dynamics of human connection in cancer care. PsychoOncology.2005;14:887-898.
• Harris SR, Roxborough L. Efficacy and effectiveness of physical therapy in enhancing postural control in children with cerebral palsy. Neural Plasticity. 2005;12(2/3):229-43.
• Lee LLS, Harris SR. Psychometric properties and standardization samples of four
screening tests for infants and young children: A review. Pediatric Physical Therapy.
• Fulks M-A, Harris SR. Predictive accuracy of the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers in children with prenatal drug exposure. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 2005;25(1/2):17-37.
• Harris SR, Campbell KL, McNeely ML. Upper extremity rehabilitation for women who have been treated for breast cancer. Physiotherapy Canada. 2004;56:202-214.
• Koseck K, Harris SR. Changes in performance over time on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II when administered to high-risk infants. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2004;16:199-205.
• Thorne SE, Harris SR, Mahoney K, Con A, McGuiness L. The context of health care communication in chronic illness. Patient Education & Counseling. 2004;54:299-306.
• Thorne S, McGuinness L, McPherson G, Con A, Cunningham M, Harris SR. Health care communication issues in fibromyalgia: An interpretive description. Physiotherapy Canada. 2004;56:31-38.
• Thorne S, Con A. McGuiness L, McPherson G, Harris SR. Health care communication issues in multiple sclerosis. Qualitative Health Research. 2004;14:5-22.
• Harris SR, Megens A, Backman CL, Hayes VE. Development and standardization of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Infants & Young Children. 2003;16:143-151.
• Hislop TG, Harris SR, Jackson J, Thorne SE, Rousseau EJ, Coldman AJ, Vestrup JA, Wright CJ, Olivotto IA. Satisfaction and anxiety for women during investigation of an abnormal screening mammogram. Breast Cancer Research & Treatment. 2002;76:245-254.
• Chau N, Harris SR. Practices and opinions of physiotherapists treating women with breastcancer-related lymphedema. Physiotherapy Canada. 2002;54:444-449. [This article was selected as the best clinical research article published in Physiotherapy Canada in 2002.]
• Harris SR, Templeton E. Who’s listening? Experiences of women with breast cancer in communicating with physicians. The Breast Journal. 2001;7:444-449.
• Harris SR, Hugi M, Olivotto IA, et al. Upper extremity rehabilitation after axillary dissection for the treatment of breast cancer: Clinical practice guidelines. Critical Reviews in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2001;13:91-103.
• Megens A, Harris SR, Kim-Sing C, McKenzie DC. Measurement of upper extremity volume in women following axillary dissection for breast cancer. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2001; 82:1639-1644.
• Olivotto IA, Borugian M, Kan L, Jackson J, Harris SR, et al. Improving the time to diagnosis after an abnormal screening mammogram. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2001;92:366-371.
• Harris SR. Daniels LE. Reliability and validity of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Journal of Pediatrics. 2001;139:249-253.
• Harris SR, Hugi MR, Olivotto IA, Levine M. Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: 11. Lymphedema. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2001;164:191-199.
• Junaid K, Harris SR, Fulmer A, Carswell A. Teachers’ use of the MABC Checklist to identify children with motor coordination difficulties. Pediatric Physical Therapy.
• Campbell KA, Harris SR. Physical activity in the primary prevention of breast cancer. Physiotherapy Canada. 2000;52:198-207.
• Harris SR, Niesen-Vertommen SL. Challenging the myth of exercise-induced
lymphedema in breast cancer: A series of case reports. Journal of Surgical
Oncology. 2000;74:95-99.
• Harris SR. Second-guessing a second primary. Canadian Medical Association
Journal. 1999;161:1151-1153.
• Backman CL, Harris SR. Case studies, single subject research, and N-of-1 randomized controlled trials: Comparisons and contrasts. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 1999;78:170-176.
• Thorne SE, Harris SR, Hislop TG, Vestrup J. The experience of waiting for a diagnosis after an abnormal screening mammogram. The Breast Journal. 1999; 5:42-51.
• Butler C, Chambers H, Goldstein M, Harris S, Leach J, Campbell S, Adams R, Darrah J. Evaluating research in developmental disabilities: A conceptual framework for reviewing treatment outcomes. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 1999;41:55-59.
• Megens A, Harris SR. Physical therapy management of lymphedema following treatment for breast cancer. Physical Therapy. 1998;78:1302-1311.
• Law M, Darrah J, Pollock N, King G, Rosenbaum P, Russell D, Palisano R, Harris S, Armstrong R, Watt J. Family-centered functional therapy for children with cerebral palsy: An emerging practice model. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 1998;18:83-102.
• Baker BJ, Cole KN, Harris SR. Cognitive referencing as a method of OT/PT triage for young children. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1998; 10:2-6.
• Backman CL, Harris SR, Chisholm J, Monette A. Single subject research in rehabilitation: A review of studies using AB, withdrawal, multiple baseline, and alternating treatments designs. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.1997;78:1145-1153.
• Harris SR, Daniels LE. Content validity of the Harris Infant Neuromotor Test. Physical Therapy. 1996;76:727-737.
• Harris SR. How should treatments be critiqued for scientific merit? Physical Therapy. 1996;76:175-181.
• Harris SR, MacKay LLJ, Osborn JA. Autistic behaviors in offspring of mothers abusing alcohol and other drugs: A series of case reports. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 1995;19:660-665.
• MacIntyre D, Hopkins PM, Harris SR. Evaluation of pain and functional activity in patellofemoral pain syndrome: Reliability and validity of two assessment tools. Physiotherapy Canada. 1995; 47:164-172.
• Fulks M-AL, Harris SR. Children exposed to drugs in utero: Their scores on the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1995;62:7-15.
• Harris SR. Parents’ and caregivers’ perceptions of their children’s development. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 1994;36:918-923.
• Harris SR, Lee M, Fulks M-A. Transient dystonia in an infant with prenatal drug exposure: A case report. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1994;6:185-188.
• Harris SR, Portela ALM. Research in pediatric physical therapy: Past, present, and future. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1994; 6:133-138.
• Samson PG, Harris SR. Congenital clubfoot: Review of the literature on clinical assessment and physiotherapy intervention. Physiotherapy Canada. 1994; 46:249-254.
• Harris SR, Langkamp DL. The predictive value of the Bayley Mental Scale in the early detection of cognitive delays in high risk infants. Journal of Perinatology. 1994; 14:275-279.
• Harris SR, Osborn JA, Weinberg J, Loock C, Junaid, K. Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on neuromotor and cognitive development during early childhood: A series of case reports. Physical Therapy. 1993;73:608-617.
• Osborn JA, Harris SR, Weinberg J. Fetal alcohol syndrome: Review of the literature with implications for physical therapists. Physical Therapy. 1993;73:599-607.
• Portela ALM, Harris SR. Research in pediatric physical therapy: A comparison of publication trends from 1975 to 1988. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1993; 5:183-187.
• Fife S, Roxborough LA, Story M, Field D, Harris SR, Armstrong RW. Reliability of a measure to assess outcomes of adaptive of children with neuromotor disabilities. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation. 1993;7(1):11-13.
• Langkamp DL, Harris SR. Predicting preschool motor and cognitive performance in appropriate for gestational age children born at <32 weeks’ gestation. Early Development & Parenting. 1992; 1(2):89-96.
• Cole KN, Harris SR. Instability of the intelligence quotient-motor quotient relationship. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 1992; 34:633-641.
• Harris SR, Lundgren BD. Joint mobilization for children with central nervous system disorders. Physical Therapy. 1991;71:890-896.
• Fife SE, Roxborough LA, Armstrong RW, Harris SR, Gregson JL. Field D. Development of a clinical measure of postural control for assessment of adaptive seating in children with neuromotor disabilities. Physical Therapy. 1991;71:981-993.
• Cole KN, Mills P, Harris SR. Retrospective analysis of physical and occupational therapy progress in young children: An examination of cognitive referencing. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1991; 3:185-189.
• Tripp EJ, Harris SR. Test-retest reliability of isokinetic knee extension and flexion torque measurements in persons with spastic hemiparesis. Physical Therapy. 1991; 71:390-396 [APTA award for best research article in 1991 in which the lead author was a master’s student]
• Harris SR. Movement analysis: An aid to early diagnosis in cerebral palsy. Physical Therapy.1991; 71:215-221.
• Harbst KB, Ottenbacher KJ, Harris SR. Interrater reliability of therapists’ judgment of graphed data. Physical Therapy. 1991;71:107-115.
• Harris SR. Efficacy of physical therapy in promoting family functioning and functional independence for children with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 1990;2:160-164.
For peer-reviewed publications from 1978 – 1989, please contact Dr. Harris at: susan.harris@ubc.ca
Professional Recognition:
• Dr. Mickey Milner Lecturer, Bloorview Research Institute, Toronto, ON (2012)
• Barbara C. White Lecture Award, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (2010)
• Distinguished Medical Research Lecturer Award, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, BC (2008)
• Distinguished Alumna Award, Sage Colleges Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Troy, NY, USA (2007)
• 2007 Woman of Influence, Russell Sage College, Troy, NY, USA (2007)
• The Susan Harryman Cerebral Palsy Lectureship, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (2007)
• The Luiese Lynch Lectureship, Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK (2007)
• The Mary Jane Stickney Mann Lecturer, Physical Therapy Program, The Sage Colleges, Troy, NY (2007)
• Distinguished Speaker, Department of Physical Therapy, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO (2006)
• Enid Graham Memorial Lecture Award, Canadian Physiotherapy Association (2006)
• Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2005)
• Professional Achievement Award, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation/BC/Yukon Chapter (2004)
• Helen Saarinen Lectureship, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (2003)
• Silver Quill Award for Clinical Research – Best Clinical Research Article in Physiotherapy Canada published in 2002. Canadian Physiotherapy Association (2003)
• Dr. Zachariah Thomas Lecturer, Saskatoon Division, Canadian Cancer Society (2001)
• Honorary Doctor of Science Degree, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana (1999)
• Golden Pen Award, American Physical Therapy Association (1997)
• Steven J. Rose Lecture Award, Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO [1996]
• Marian Williams Award for Research in Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association (1992)
• Mary Switzer Distinguished Research Fellow, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, US Department of Education (1990-1991)
• Eugene Michels Research Lecture, Section on Research, American Physical Therapy Association (1990)
• Corbin/Page Lecture Award, University of Vermont, Burlington VT (1990)
• Catherine Worthingham Fellow, American Physical Therapy Association (1989)
• Fifth Annual Elizabeth Zausmer Lecturer, Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA (1985)
• First Annual Research Award, Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association (1983)
Professional Activities:
• Editorial Board – Infants & Young Children: 2001 to present
• Member, Medical Advisory Board (2006 – present), Turning Point Women’s Health Care, Atlanta, Georgia, USA