For many years Lesley taught courses such as psychosocial aspects of disability, professionalism, and an omnibus course that included quality improvement, culture, global health and other issues aimed at the broader context of physical therapy practice. For the 10 years before she retired in 2015, she spent the majority of her teaching time in interprofessional education.
Lesley holds a UBC Killam Teaching Prize awarded in 2003 and was nominated for a 3M Teaching Fellowship.
Lesley has held grants from CIHC, Health Canada and the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. In retirement she continues to work with the Western Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (WCIHC) on collaborative practice for internationally educated health care professionals. She has supervised graduate students over the years and continues to supervise theses/major projects for students in the Masters of Rehabilitation Science Program as well as the Royal Roads Health Leadership Program.
Lesley’s most recent publications include:
- Bainbridge L, Harris S. (2006). Informed Shared Decision Making – A Model for Physical Therapy Practice. Physiotherapy Canada. 58(1):74–81. *Recipent of the Silver Quill Award for Excellence in Publication (knowledge translation category) by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
- Charles G, Bainbridge L, Copeman–Stewart K, Tiffin S, Kassan R. (2006). Interprofessional Program of British Columbia. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 20(01):40–50.
- Hall J, Bainbridge L, Buchan A, Cribb A, Drummond J, Gyles C, Hicks TP, McWilliam C, Paterson B, Ratner P, Skarakis–Doyle E, Solomon P. (2006). A meeting of minds: interdisciplinary research in the health sciences in Canada. CMAJ. 175(7):763–771. IF=7.1
- Kassam R, Albon S, Bainbridge L, Suto M, Collins JB. (2006). Learning by doing: enhancing interprofessional students‟ awareness of informed shared decision making. Journal of Allied Health. http://ijahsp.nova.edu. 4(4): 1–11.
- Moran M, Boyce R, O’Neill K, Bainbridge L, Newton C. (2007). The Health Care Team Challenge: Extra–curricula engagement in inter–professional education (IPE). Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 8(3): 47–53.
- Redenbach D, Bainbridge L. (2007). Canadian Physiotherapy Education: The University of British Columbia Example. Physical Therapy Reviews. 12: 92–104.
- Herbert CP, Bainbridge L, Bickford J, Baptiste S, Brajtman S, Dryden T, Hall P, Risdon C, Solomon P. (2007). Factors that influence engagement in collaborative practice: how 8 health professionals became advocates. Canadian Family Physician. 53:1318–1325.
- Charles G, Bainbridge L, Copeman–Stewart K, Kassam R, and Tiffin S. (2008). The impact of an interprofessional rural health care practice education experience on students and communities. Journal of Allied Health. 37: 127 – 131.
- Wood V, Flavell A, Vanstolk D, Bainbridge L, Nasmith L. (2009). The road to collaboration: Developing an interprofessional competency framework. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 23(6): 621–629.
- Dharamsi S, Espinoza N, Cramer C, Amin M, Bainbridge L, Poole G. (2010). Nurturing Social Responsibility through Community Service-Learning: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Project. Medical Teacher. 32: 905-911.
- Charles G, Bainbridge L, Gilbert J. (2010). The University of British Columbia model of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 24 (1): 9-18.
- Towle A, Bainbridge L, Godolphin W, Katz A, Kline K, Lown B, Madularu I, Solomon P, Thistlethwaite J. (2010) Active patient involvement in the education of health professionals. Medical Education. 44: 64–74.
- Bainbridge L, Wood V, Orchard C, Nasmith L. (2010). Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 24 (1): 6-11.
- Coutu, M-F., Légaré, F., Durand, M-J., Corbière, M., Stacey, D., Loisel, P., Bainbridge, L. (2011).Fostering shared decision making by occupational therapists and workers involved in accidents resulting in persistent musculoskeletal disorders: A study protocol. Implementation Science. 6:22. Impact Factor: 2.49.
- Bainbridge, L., Dharamsi, S. & V. Wood (2012). A Parisian Salon Addressing Social Determinants of Health. Medical Education, 46(5), 520.
- Delva D, Towle A, Doucet S, Nasser S, Bainbridge L, Kerston P. The Health Mentors Program: an approach to teaching interprofessional collaboration, chronic illness and patient-centred care. [Workshop] Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Banff AB, 7-11 May 2011. Medical Education 2012; 46 (Suppl 1):16.
- Suter, E., Lait, J., Mickelson, G., Bainbridge, L., Ateah, C., Ho, K., Harrison, L., Grymonpre, R., Jarvis-Selanger, S., Achilles, S., Deutchlander, S., Nurani, Z. (2012). Can interprofessional collaboration provide health human resources solutions? A knowledge synthesis. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 26: 261–268.
- Mickelson, G., Suter, E., Deutschlander, S., Bainbridge, L., Harrison, L., Grymonpre, R., Hepp, S. (2012). Interprofessional Collaboration as a Health Human Resources Strategy: Moving Forward with a Western Provinces Research Agenda. Health Care Quarterly.
- Nurani, Z., Suter, E., Bainbridge, L., Harrison, L., Grymonpre, R., & Achilles, S. (2012). Engaging People and Strengthening Partnerships Through an eCoP: The Western Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Experience. In Technology enabled knowledge translation for ehealth (pp. 133-152). Springer, New York, NY.
- Bainbridge L., Wood, V. (2012). The power of prepositions: learning with, from, and about others in the context of interprofessional education. Part 1. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 26 (6), 452-458
- Bainbridge L., Wood, V. (2013). Part II – The Power of Prepositions: A Taxonomy for Interprofessional Education. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
March 2013, Vol. 27(2) ,131-136 - Hean, S., Anderson, E., Bainbridge, L., Clark, P.G. Craddock, D., Doucet, S., Hammick, M., Mpofu, R., O’Halloran, C., Pitt, R., Oandasan, I. (2013). IN-2-THEORY: Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: A community of practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2013; Early Online: 1–3 ISSN 1356-1820 print/ISSN 1469-9567 online DOI: 10.3109/13561820.2012.743979
- Wood, V., Eccott, L. & Bainbridge, L. (2013). A Blended Active Learning Pilot: A way to Deliver Interprofessional Pain Management Education. Pharmacy, 1(2), 218-227.
- Newton, C., Bainbridge, L., Ball, V. (2013). Interprofessional Case Competitions: Can We Capture the Impact on Practice? Journal of Interprofessional Care 27, 67-67.
- Newton, C., Bainbridge, L., Ball, V.A., Wood, V.I. (2013). Health Care Team Challenges: an international review and research agenda. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Early Online: 1–3.
- Bainbridge, L; Grossman, S; Dharamsi, S.; Kindiak, R.; Porter, J;, Wood, V. (2013) Engagement Studios: Students and Communities Working to Address the Determinants of Health. Education for Health.
- Drynan, D., Bainbridge, L., & Ball, V. (2013). Evaluation of an Innovative Interprofessional Student Run Clinic. Journal of InterprofessionaL Care. 27, 10-10.
- Orchard, C., Bainbridge, L., Schmitt, M. and Casimiro, L. (2013) The CIHC National Competency Framework: Ratification and Development of Measurement for the CIHC National IP Competency Framework. Journal of Interprofessional Care , 27,15-16.
- Wood, V., DePalma, C., Eccott, L., Drynan, D., Ball, V., Newton, C. and Bainbridge, L. (2013). Developing Learning Objectives Based on the Canadian National Interprofessional Competency Framework. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 27,19-20.
- MacPhee, M., Paterson, M., Tassone, M., Marsh, D., Berry, S., Bainbridge, L., Verma, S. (2013). Transforming health systems through collaborative leadership: Making change happen!. PAPER SERIES, 79.
- Bainbridge, L., Grossman, S., Dharamsi, S., Porter, J., & Wood, V. (2014). Engagement studios: students and communities working to address the determinants of health. Education for Health, 27(1), 78.
- Manwale, M., Klein, M., Bainbridge, L. (2014). Improved outcomes for elderly patients who received care on a transitional care unit. Canadian Family Physician. 60 (5) e263-e271. Recipient of the 2015 Canadian Family Physician Best Original Research Article Award.
- Roots, R.; Li, L.; Bainbridge, L.; Brown, H. (2014). Rural rehabilitation practice: perspectives of occupational therapists and physical therapists in British Columbia, Canada. Rural and Remote Health. http://www.rrh.org.au/articles/showarticlenew.asp?ArticleID=2506
- Roots, R., Smith, L., Brown, H., Bainbridge, L., Li, L. (2014) “All those things you never thought”: Perspectives from occupational therapists practicing in rural British Columbia. Occupational Therapy Now, 16 (6), 26-28.
- Bainbridge, L. (2014). Interprofessional education in allied health: is this yet another silo?. Medical education, 48(3), 229-231.
- Légaré, F., Stacey, D., Durand, M. J., Corbière, M., Bainbridge, L., Labrecque, M. E. (2015). Occupational therapists’ shared decision-making behaviors with patients having persistent pain in a work rehabilitation context: A cross-sectional study. Patient education and counseling, 98(7), 864-870.
- Newton, C., Bainbridge, L.,Ball, V., Baum, KD., Bontje, P., Boyce, R.A., Moran, M., Richardson, B., Tamura, Y., Uden, D., Wagner, S., Wood, V. (2015) The Health Care Team Challenge™: Developing an international interprofessional education research collaboration. Nurse Education Today 35: 4–8.
- Coutu, M.F., Légaré, F., Durand, M.J., Corbière, M., Stacey, D., Bainbridge, L., Labrecque, M.E. (2015). Operationalizing a shared decision making model for work rehabilitation programs: a consensus process. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 25(1),141-152.
- Newton, C., Bainbridge, L., Ball, V., Baum, K. D., Bontje, P., Boyce, R. A., Wagner, S. J. (2015). The Health Care Team Challenge™: Developing an international interprofessional education research collaboration. Nurse education today, 35(1), 4-8.
- Hean, S., Doucet, S., Bainbridge, L., Green, C., Ball, V., Anderson, L., Baldwin, C., Pitt, R., Snyman, S., Schmidt, M., Clark, P. (2015). Moving from atheoretical to theoretical approaches to interprofessional client-centred collaborative practice. In: Orchard, Carole and Bainbridge, Lesley, (eds.) Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice: What Does it Look Like? How Can it be Achieved? Professions – Training, Education and Demographics . Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 978-1-63483-811-5
- Bainbridge, L, Regehr G. (2015). Should there be an “I” in team? A new perspective on developing and maintaining collaborative networks in health professional care. In C. Orchard & L. Bainbridge (Eds.). Interprofessional client-centred collaborative practice: What does it look like? How can it be achieved? Nova Science Publishers: New York, NY. Chapter 4, 51-66.
- Careau, E., Bainbridge, L., Steinberg, M., & Lovato, C. (2016). Improving interprofessional education and collaborative practice through evaluation: An exploration of current trends. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 31(1).
- Dean, E., Greig, A., Murphy, S., Roots, R., Nembhard, N., Rankin, A., Bainbridge, L., Anthony, J., Hoens, A.M., Garland, S.J. (2016). Raising the Priority of Lifestyle-Related Noncommunicable Diseases in Physical Therapy Curricula. Physical therapy, 96(7), 940.
- Coutu, M. F., Légaré, F., Durand, M. J., Stacey, D., Labrecque, M. E., Corbière, M., Bainbridge, L. (2019). Acceptability and feasibility of a shared decision-making model in work rehabilitation: a mixed-methods study of stakeholders’ perspectives. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 29(1), 128-139.
- Orchard, C., Bainbridge, L. (2016). Competent for collaborative practice: What does a collaborative practitioner look like and how does the practice context influence interprofessional education?. Journal of taibah university medical sciences, 11(6), 526-532.
- Arain, M., Suter,E., Hepp ,S., Nanayakkara ,S., Harrison, EL. , Mickelson, G., Bainbridge, L. , Grymonpre, RE. (2017). Interprofessional Competency Toolkit for Internationally Educated Health Professionals: Evaluation and Pilot Testing (2017). J Contin Educ Health Prof 37 (3), 173-182.
- Christianson, T. M., Bainbridge, L., Halupa, C. (2019). A pilot study on interprofessional education: how prepared are faculty to teach?. Professional Development in Education, 45(4), 659-669.
- Egeli, D., Bainbridge, L., Miller, T., & Potts, J. (2019). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Value of Massage Therapy in a Pediatric Hospice. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 21(4), 319-325.
- Connell, G., Bainbridge, L. (2020). Understanding how chiropractors build trust with patients: a mixed-methods study. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 64(2), 97.
- Grymonpre, R.E., Bainbridge, L., Baker, C., Nasmith, L. (2021). Development of accreditation standards for interprofessional education: a Canadian Case Study. Hum Resour Health 19, 12 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-020-00551-2
Lesley has presented at many conferences over the years and was most recently invited as a keynote speaker to the First Middle Eastern Interprofessional Education Conference in Doha, Qatar.
Over her career, Lesley has served in many leadership roles including PABC and CPA President, chair of two CPA Divisions and various committees. She also served as the head of the Physical Therapy Program and Interim Director of the School of Rehabilitation Sciences at UBC. In her interprofessional work she served in several leadership roles including the development of the Accreditation for Interprofessional Health Education (AIPHE) project funded by Health Canada, the accreditation program for Canadian physical therapy education programs (ACCPAP/PEAC) and was co-author of the Canadian Competency Framework for Interprofessional Collaboration. In her retirement, she continues to chair the Joint Accreditation Committee for OTA/PTA education programs and to co-chair the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC).
Past recognition awards include:
• Barbara Edwardson Lecture Award, University of Western Ontario. This is a national award in recognition of excellence in teaching. 2007.
• Silver Quill Award for excellence in a manuscript in knowledge translation by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 2007. (Publication: Bainbridge, Harris, 2006).
• Life Membership award from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association for leadership and outstanding contributions to the profession over 25 years, 2004.
• Award of Excellence from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Leadership Division in recognition of leadership contributions to the profession, 2003.
• Award of Merit: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, for contributions to the Tri-Joint Congress held in Toronto, 2001.
• Recognition Award: Alliance of Canadian Physiotherapy Regulators, for contributions to the area of regulation, Toronto, 2001.
• Enid Graham Memorial Lecture Award, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s highest award for outstanding leadership within the profession, 2001.
• Canadian Physiotherapy Association Honorary Membership for service to the profession, 1991.
• Special Award for Professional Contribution, Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia, 1990