Robin K Roots, BA, BHSc PT, MSc
Associate Professor of Teaching
Lab Information
• Coordination of Clinical Education for the Northern program
• Teaching in the MPT curriculum regarding rural health, physiotherapy practice in rural and remote contexts, cultural safety, cultural competency, interprofessional education and collaborative practice.
• PHTH 516
• PHTH 526
• PHTH 528
• PHTH 538
• PHTH 534
• PHTH 548
• PHTH 552
• PHTH 554 and PHTH 574
• Preceptor for remote First Nations Health outreach and telehealth programs
• Facilitates Clinical Educator Workshops in Northern and Rural BC to help prepare preceptors who will be supervising MPT students
The majority of Robin’s time is dedicated to teaching. Robin’s research interests are in the area of rural health and interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Her MSc research looked at rehabilitation practices and services in rural and remote regions of BC. From interviews with OTs and PTs, she learned that rural practitioners overcome resource shortages by practicing to the full extent of their scope, frequently ‘stretching their roles’ to cover gaps in care and collaborating with other health providers to meet the needs of the rural population.
Robin continues to work on a number of projects designed to enhance the professional education of health professionals. She continues to lead the evaluation of and student assessment of interprofessional learning for the Interprofessional Rural Program of BC (www.IRPbc.com). She is part of a national team of researchers conducting a Systematic Review of Quantitative Measures of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice for the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (www.CIHC.ca). This has resulted in an extensive database of Quantitative Tools that will be of benefit to all researchers in the IP field. And she is an investigator on a research project regarding the Information Needs of People with Rheumatoid Arthritis for Dr. D. Lacaille of the Arthritis Research Centre.
Robin has received funding for her research from the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Arthritis Network, the Arthritis Health Professions Association, the Disabilities Health Research Network and the BC Rural and Remote Health Research Network.
1. Roots RK, Brown H, Bainbridge L, Li LC. Rural rehabilitation practice: perspectives from occupational therapists and physiotherapists in BC. Rural and Remote Health. February 2014 2506. Published online 2014 Feb 17. Retrieved from :http://www.rrh.org.au/articles/subviewnew.asp?ArticleID=2506
2. Roots RK, Li LC. Recruitment and retention of occupational therapists and physiotherapists in rural regions: a meta-synthesis. BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:59. Published online 2013 Feb 12.
3. Roots RK, Li LC, Bainbridge L, Brown H. Specializing as generalists: how do rehabilitation therapists practice in rural areas? Arthritis Rheumatism.2010;62:S857-858.
Published Abstracts:
1. Roots RK, Fricke M, Crowley H, Jones A, McQuarrie A, Oosman S. Passing around the Talking Stick: Sharing stories of Physiotherapists engaged in Advocating for Aboriginal Health and Wellness. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress. Panel Presentation. June 2014. Edmonton, AB.
2. Norman KE, Roots RK, Fricke M, Switzer-McIntyre S, Corpuz JC, Dal Bello-Haas V. Who we admit is who we will become: Examining diversity among learners in physiotherapy programs and the implications for physiotherapists’ contributions to healthcare in Canada. CPA Congress, June 2014. Edmonton, AB.
3. Murphy S, Roots RK. Physical Therapy students self-reported levels of independence during the first 10 weeks of clinical placement. Poster. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress. June 2014. Edmonton, AB.
4. Murphy S, Roots RK. Physical Therapy student experience profiles in first year clinical placements in British Columbia. Poster. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress. June 2014. Edmonton, AB.
5. Roots RK, Murphy S. Students as agents of change in the clinical setting. Poster submission to Canadian Conference of Medical Education. April 2014. Ottawa ON.
6. Roots RK, Li LC, Bainbridge L, Brown H. Rehabilitation professionals’ perspectives on and participation in primary health care in rural British Columbia. Podium presentation. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress. May 2012. Saskatoon, SK.
7. Maurice, S. Roots RK. Engaging students in interprofessional opportunities to recruit students for careers in rural health care. Poster presentation. Society of Rural Physicians of Canada. April 2012. Squamish, BC.
8. Roots RK, Copeman-Stewart K, Granger A, Bainbridge L, Sawchenko L, Hyslop C. Rural interprofessional health education: transitions and innovations. Poster presentation. Collaborating Across Borders. November 2011.Tuscon, Arizona.
9. Deutschlander S, Weaver L, Lait J, Roots RK, Pallaveshi L, McCarthy P, Suter E, Arthur N, Burgess J, Law R. Inventory of quantitative instruments to measure interprofessional education and collaborative practice in health care. Paper presentation. Collaborating Across Borders. November 2011.Tuscon, Arizona.
10. Roots RK, Li LC, Bainbridge L, Brown H. Understanding rural rehabilitation practice: perspectives from OTs and PTs in British Columbia. Podium presentation. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress. July 2011. Whistler, BC.
11. Levac D, Taylor D, Roots RK, Reinikka K, Fricke M, Miller-Miflin T, Arcobelli L, Foster-Seargeant E, Debassiage D. Exploring the role of physiotherapists in advocating for equitable health care for aboriginal people in Canada. Workshop Presentation. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress. July 2011. Whistler, BC.
12. Roots RK, Li LC, Bainbridge L, Brown H. Specializing as generalists: how do rehabilitation therapists practice in rural areas? Arthritis Rheumatism.2010;62:S857-858. Poster presentation. American College of Rheumatology Conference. November 2010. Atlanta, GE.
13. Wang L, Roots RK, Rogers P, Lacaille D. Information needs and information-seeking by people with rheumatoid arthritis: a qualitative study. J Rheumatol.2010; 38(6). Poster presentation. Canadian Rheumatology Association conference. March 2010. Cancun, Mexico.
14. Roots RK, Li LC, Bainbridge L, Brown H. Interpretive description: an innovative approach to understanding the complexity of rural rehabilitation practice. Conference proceedings. 15th Qualitative Health Research Conference. October 2009. Vancouver, BC.
15. Bainbridge L, Copeman-Stewart K, Roots RK, Sawchenko L. Interprofessional rural placements- a model for community engagement in student learning. Workshop. Collaborating Across Borders II. May 2009. Halifax NS.
1. Roots RK. Rehabilitation Practice in Rural and Remote British Columbia. Arthritis Clinical Link Newsletter. 2011; June. http://www.argbc.ca/files/Clinical%20Link%20Newsletter%20-%20June%202011.pdf
2. Roots RK. So what’s so different about rural rehabilitation practice and what does it offer me as a student? How a rural placement experience influenced my career clinically and academically. Dispatches: the Newsletter of the International Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. 2009;2(7):17-20.
• Member of the Department of Physical Therapy Community Engagement Committee
• Member of the Department of Physical Therapy Curriculum Committee
• Member of the Department of Physical Therapy Admissions Committee
• Chair of the Northern and Rural Cohort Admissions Sub Committee
• Member of the Department of Physical Therapy Northern and Rural Cohort Advisory Committee
• Member of the Department of Physical Therapy Northern and Rural Cohort Sponsorship Committee
• Member of the National Association for Clinical Education Programs
• Member of the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia Quality Assurance committee
• Member of the National Association of Clinical Educators in Physical Therapy Committee
• Member of the College of Health Disciplines Practice Education Committee and Interprofessional Professional Development Committee
• Member of the Faculty of Medicine E-Health Committee
• Member of the University of Northern British Columbia Interprofessional Education Committee