Sue loves to teach and share her passion for physical therapy and for all things professional. Her areas of teaching interest include professionalism and professional issues, teaching and learning, and topics related to the provision of clinical education. Sue is also interested in Interprofessional education and is currently the Interprofessional Theme Lead for the MD Undergraduate program at UBC.
Sue received an Award of Excellence in Education from the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia in 2009 and was a Killam Teaching Award winner in 2012. Sue was the recipient of a Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Education in 2013.
Sue’s educational scholarship interests focus on the teaching of professionalism, clinical education, and the use of standardized patients in physiotherapy curricula. Sue is an Associate Director for the UBC Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) at UBC where her work focused on educational innovation and cross-professional initiatives. Sue has presented her work both nationally and internationally at physical therapy, medical education and Interprofessional education conferences, and has contributed to a book chapter.
Peer-Reviewed Publications in the last 5 years: Journals
1. Greig, A., Dawes, D., Murphy, S., Parker, G., & Loveridge, B. (2013). Program evaluation of a model to integrate internationally educated health professionals into clinical practice. BMC Medical Education, ISSN: 1472-6920, Oct 11; Vol. 13 (1), pp. 140; PMID: 24119470. (CA, IF 1.312)
2. Murphy, S., Dalton, M., & Dawes, D. (2014). Assessing Physical Therapy Students’ Performance during Clinical Practice. Physiotherapy Canada, Spring, 66(2):169-176. (FA, IF 0.771)
3. Murphy, S. (2014). Remember how it feels to be a student? The Clinical Teacher. Article first published online: 14 July, 11(5):336-339 (Online journal). (FA, No IF)
4. Nagarajan, N., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Avery, L., Drynan, D., Roots, R., Murphy, S. & Lam, M. (2015). Learning for Life and Work in a Complex World. Volume 38, Refereed papers from the 38th HERDSA Annual International Conference, 6-9 July 2015. Melbourne, Australia.
5. Murphy, S., Iman, B., MacIntyre, D. (2015). Standardised Patients versus Volunteer Patients for Physical Therapy Students Interviewing Practice: A Pilot Study. Physiotherapy Canada, Spring, Fall, 67(4): 378-384. (FA, IF 0.614)
6. Nagarajan, S., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Avery, L., Drynan, D., Roots, R., Murphy, S. & Lam, M. (2015) Australian and Canadian Student and Supervisor Experiences of Telesupervision in Allied Health Clinical Education. Research and Development in Higher Education: Learning for Life and Work in a Complex World, 38 (pp 477-481). Melbourne, Australia. 6- 9 July 2015.
7. Murphy. S, Imam. B, Whitehouse. L (2016). Twelve Tips for Utilizing Virtual Patients to Teach Professionalism. MedEdPublish, Volume 5, Issue 3, Paper No: 21. 18/10/2016 (Online journal), DOI: (FA, Paper reviewed as “recommended”).
8. Nagarajan, S., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Avery, L., Drynan, D., Roots, R., Murphy, S., & Lam, M. (2016). Telesupervision benefits for placements: Allied Health students’ and supervisors’ perceptions. International Journal of Practice based learning in Health and Social care, 4(1), 16-27.
9. Laura Yvonne Bulk, L.Y., Easterbrook, A., Roberts, E., Groening, M., Murphy, S., Lee, M., Ghanouni, P., Gagnon, J., & Jarus, T. (2017): ‘We are not anything alike’: marginalization of health professionals with disabilities, Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1308247
Peer-Reviewed Publications in the last 5 years: Conference proceedings
1. Greig, A., Anthony, J., Dawes, D., Murphy S., & Loveridge, B. (2013, Mar). Impact of virtual patient cases on written examination performance. Poster presentation at the 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
2. Murphy, S., & Greig, A. (2013, Apr). The PDSA Cycle: Using a quality improvement approach to implement educational technology. Poster presentation at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Quebec City, Quebec.
3. Greig, A., Parker, G., Loveridge, B., Dawes, D., & Murphy, S. (2013, May). Program evaluation of a model to prepare internationally educated Physiotherapists for the Physiotherapy Competency Examinations. Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Montreal, Quebec.
4. Murphy, S., & Greig, A. (2013, May). Clinical placements: Do we really know what students are doing? Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Montreal, Quebec.
5. Greig, A., Parker, G., Loveridge, B., Dawes, D., & Murphy, S. (2013, May). Program evaluation of a model to prepare internationally educated Physiotherapists for the Physiotherapy Competency Examinations. Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Montreal, Quebec.
6. Murphy, S., & Greig, A. (2013, May). Clinical Placements: Do we really know what students are doing? Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Montreal, Quebec.
7. Drynan, D., & Murphy, S. (2013, Jun). Utilizing standardized actors for developing communication skills: an interprofessional approach. Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Continuing Health Education Annual Conference, Vancouver BC.
8. Drynan, D., & Murphy, S. (2013, Jun). Answering the question: How do I facilitate IP activities into traditional student placements? Workshop at the Collaborating across Borders IV conference: Interprofessional Collaboration: Transformative Change from the Classroom to Practice, Vancouver BC.
9. Murphy S., & Drynan, D. (2013, Oct). Utilizing standardized actors for developing communication skills: An inter-professional approach. Poster presentation at the CHES Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver BC.
10. Murphy, S., & Anthony, J. (2013, Nov). Utilization of virtual patient cases for learning about professionalism and leadership: A pilot study. Poster presentation at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Simulation Summit, Vancouver BC.
11. Bryden, P., Lochnan, H., Parhar, G., Nickell, L., Parhar. A., Murphy, S. MacKnight, D., Bainbridge, L., & Byszewski, A. (2014, Apr). Cultivating a professional environment in the academic health centre: A primer for faculty and administrators. Pre-conference workshop at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario.
12. Roots, R., & Murphy, S. (2014, Apr). Students: Agents of change in the clinical setting? Poster presentation at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario.
13. Murphy, S., & Anthony, J. (2014, Apr). Virtual patient cases: a tool for teaching professionalism? Poster presentation at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario.
14. Anthony, J., Parhar, G., Parhar. A., Murphy, S., & de Leeuw, S. (2014, Apr). Community partnership: Developing virtual cases to improve health outcomes of indigenous peoples. Poster presentation at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario.
15. Murphy, S., Parhar, G., & Parhar. A. (2014, Apr). Professionalism in medicine and physical therapy: Brought or taught? Oral presentation at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario.
16. Jarus, T., Lee, M., Murphy, S., Parhar, G., Groening, M., Opini, B., Roberts, E., Warick, R., & Fink-Jensen, K. (2014, May). Healthy campus communities: Supporting students with disabilities in health education. Oral presentation at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists conference. Fredericton, NB.
17. Murphy, S., Gee, H., Rigby, S., Drynan, D., & Bainbridge, L. (2014, Jun). Student led clinics: A win-win for interprofessional education and practice. Oral presentation at Altogether Better Health IV, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
18. Jarus, T., Lee, M., Parhar, G., Groening, M., Opini, B., Roberts, E., Murphy, S., Warick, R., Fink-Jensen, K., Shankar, S., Ghanouni, P., Bulk, L., Yu, L., & Easterbrook, A. (2014, Jun). Creating a diverse future: Supporting health and human service students with disabilities. Poster presentation at the World Federation of OT. Yokohama, Japan.
19. Murphy, S. & Roots, R. (2014, Jun). Physical therapy student experience profiles in first year clinical placements in British Columbia. Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Edmonton, Alberta.
20. Murphy, S., & Roots, R. (2014, Jun). Physical therapy students self-reported levels of independence during the first 10 weeks of clinical placement. Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Edmonton, Alberta.
21. Parhar, A., Anthony, J., Walker, L., Murphy, S., Lee, M., & Parhar, G. (2014, Aug). Development and implementation of virtual patient cases to enhance medical student understanding of the social determinants of health. Oral presentation at the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference, Milan, Italy.
22. Murphy, S., & MacIntyre, D. (2014, Aug). Volunteer patients or standardized patients? Cost considerations for interviewing practice. Oral presentation at the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference, Milan, Italy.
23. Nagarajan, S., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Avery, L., Drynan, D., Roots, R., Murphy, S., & Lam, M. (2015, Jul). Australian and Canadian student and supervisor experiences of telesupervision in allied health clinical education. Poster Presentation at the 38th Annual International Conference of Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc. Melbourne, Australia.
24. Schmitz, C., Drynan, D., Nagarajan, S., Hall, M., McAlister, L., McFarlane, L, Avery, L., Roots, R., Murphy, S., & Lam, M. (2016, Apr). Telesupervision for remote & role-emerging fieldwork: Student and supervisor experiences. Poster Presentation at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Annual Congress, Banff, Alberta.
25. Anthony, J., Parhar, A., Murphy, S., Parhar, G. (2016, Apr). Creating virtual patients to teach social responsibility and accountability: In five easy steps. Workshop at the Canadian Conference of Medical Education, Montreal, Quebec.
26. Murphy, S. (2016, May). Open book exams in physical therapy programs: Something to consider? Oral presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Victoria, BC.
27. Roots, R.K., Murphy, S., Worthington, A. (2016, May). The Northern and Rural Cohort: An initiative to improve rural physiotherapy services. Oral presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Victoria, BC.
28. Greig A, Lowe E, Miles L, Richards S, von Schellwitz C, Wark, K, Murphy, S. (2016, May). The Effect of Nordic walking on functional mobility and quality of life in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A systematic review. Poster presentation at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress, Victoria, BC.
29. Jarus, T., Sarah Chow, S., Jogova, K., Lee, M., Groening, M., Murphy, S., Warick, R, Krupa, T., Roberts, B., & Bulk, L. (2016, Jun). Do we walk the talk: A clinical educators’ workshop to promote inclusion of students with disabilities during clinical practicum. Poster presentation at the COTEC – ENOTHE, Galway, Ireland.
30. Greig A, Murphy S, & Regehr, G. (2016, Aug). Virtual patient cases: Can they teach foreign-trained health professionals about differences in health culture and context? Poster presentation at the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference, Barcelona, Spain.
31. Murphy, S. (2016, Sept). Training actors for interprofessional role play: Lessons learned. Poster presentation at Altogether Better Health VIII, Oxford, England.
32. Jarus, T., Sarah Chow, S., Jogova, K., Lee, M., Groening, M., Murphy, S., Warick, R, Krupa, T., Roberts, B., Bulk, L. (2016, Jun). Do we walk the talk: a clinical educators’ workshop to promote inclusion of students with disabilities during clinical practicum. Poster presentation at COTEC – ENOTHE 2016. NUI Galway.
33. Gerbracht A, Inskip J, DuBiel C, Murphy S, Roots R. K.(2016, Oct). Interprofessional student-led clinic increases timely access to rehabilitation services in Prince Rupert. Presented to COTBC Annual General Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
34. Murphy, S. (2017, May). Training actors for interprofessional role play. Oral presentation at the 7th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy
35. Bezati, R., Trivett, S., Jarus, T., Lee, M., Bulk, L., Ghanouni, P., Gerber, P., Murphy, S. (2017, Jun). Professionalism and disability: The client’s perspective. Poster presentation at the CAOT conference, Charlottetown, PEI.
36. Gerber, P., Drynan, D., Bezati, R., Bulk, L., Ghanouni, P., Trivett, S., Murphy, S., Jarus, T. (2017, Oct). Professionalism through the lens of the patient/client. Oral presentation at the CHES Celebration of Scholarship, Vancouver BC.
37. Bulk, L., Jarus, T., Gerber, P., Drynan, D., Ghanouni, P., Murphy, S., Bezati, R., Trivett, S., (2018, May). Defining, teaching, and assessing professionalism: The patient’s perspective. Poster presentation at the 17th WFOT Congress 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
Sue has served as an Abstract reviewer for National and International conferences, and as a peer reviewer for several professional journals including Physiotherapy Canada. Sue is professionally active on provincial and national level committees related to Physical Therapy and was recently on the steering committee for the development of the new Essential Competency Profile for PTs in Canada. Sue is also a public representative on the Quality Assurance committee of the College of Massage Therapists of BC.