With the cancellation of the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) national exams, UBC was contracted by the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia to administer an evaluation as a critical step in the licensure process for interim physical therapists in BC.
The exams were administered to interim registrants virtually and included two different exams, both comprising eight different clinical stations. The exams ran over two weekends and were supported by over 50 examiners recruited from the BC physical therapy clinical community. In addition, over 30 staff and faculty leads from the Department of Physical Therapy provided support and technical expertise outside of their typical workday to administer a high-quality exam and ensure a smooth process through each station for candidates.
This impressive achievement would not have been possible without the dedication of our hardworking staff, faculty, students, alumni, and clinical community. From the creation and development of the exam format and process, the support of all candidates and examiners, to working two back-to-back weekends, the team ensured the exams were a success.
To everyone who was involved – thank you.