UBC Alumnus and student help a client with Guillain-Barre attend the Women’s World Cup Final.

Clinical educator and UBC alumnus (2011), Scott Okrainetz with MPT1 student Mary-Anne Levson help Darbi Aitchison attain her goal of attending the FIFA Women’s World Cup Final this Sunday. Ms Aitchison, a 22 year old Kinesiology student at the University of Victoria began suffering symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in early March after participating in a soccer game. Within a week she was in the intensive care unit unable to walk and at the height of the symptoms was only able to move her eyes. Ms Aitchison’s hard work and inspiring attitude along with the help of her medical team at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria have been a success in making her goal of attending the finals possible but donations are still needed to cover expenses such as wheelchair transport in Vancouver. A Global TV news segment highlights this achievement and shows Scott, Mary-Anne, and Ms Aitchison working on her recovery.