The artistic talents of Assistant Professor, Naznin Virji-Babul, on exhibit

Naznin is a talented researcher but also a talented artist; several of her sculptures were selected to be included in an upcoming exhibition, How Nice to Have a Hobby.

Naznin along with other guest artists, address the question of gender bias in the art world. The exhibit, inspired by a statement many female artists are quite familiar with, How Nice it is to have a Hobby, features art by women referencing traditional women’s pastimes such as crafts, hobbies and women’s work. The artwork in How Nice to Have a Hobby provides a critique of the human, social, political, economic, or environmental conditions that we all experience in our lives. How Nice to Have a Hobby explores the barriers to being taken seriously as a female artist, real or imagined, systemic or illusory, with the hope to generate conversations about high/low art, art/craft, dilettante/artist, gender bias and the notion of hobby vs. profession.

Virji-Babul art piece art piece_Sept 11Virji-Babul art piece grandmother making rotli 270 x 360Virji-babul art piece Hot flash 270 x 368Virji-Babul-art-piece_woman-with-water-and-baby-270-x-360The art will be on view February 20 through March 31, 2014 at Leigh Square Community Art Village, #1100-2253 Leigh Square in Port Coquitlam