Darlene Reid co-edited a book with Frank Chung, physiotherapist at Burnaby Hospital, and Kylie Hill, Associate Professor, School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University. Clinical Management Notes and Case Histories in Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy provides an interactive, learning approach to cardiopulmonary care for acute and ambulatory care patients at entry-level physical therapy. The unique presentation of this book is that it combines three main components: (1) clinical notes on assessment and management; (2) twenty-four cases that show typical presentations of common pulmonary, cardiac and neuro conditions; and (3) answer guides for questions posed in the assessment and management chapters and for the twenty-four cases. “Talk me through PowerPoint presentations” are narrated slide sets that present complex cases as well as more complicated topics such as interpretation of chest x-rays and arterial blood gases.
You can find the book at the publisher’s website: http://www.healio.com/books/health-professions/physical-therapy/%7B503755ca-9b72-4813-89ab-f12a6fdd425b%7D/cardiopulmonary-physical-therapy-management-and-case-studies-second-edition