Research and Practice come together
The work of Janice Eng and Teresa Liu-Ambrose was featured by the Heart and Stroke Foundation in in a publication supporting their fundraising efforts. The article tells the story of Stroke survivor, Marco Chorbajian, who credits the work done by researchers like Janice Eng for saving his life, but in reality Marco is the hero of his own story of recovery. He did the work required for a remarkable recovery with the assistance of physical therapists who utilized the work of researchers in designing his therapy treatment. Marco continues to follow the evidence based guidelines for high volume practice and exercise. He also is giving back to support other stroke survivors by visiting them across Vancouver offering advice, encouragement and support. He has also given his time in volunteering for research studies conducted by researchers here in the Department who are studying stroke and other neurological disorders: Janice Eng, Lara Boyd, Teresa Liu-Ambrose and Jayne Garland. The research on Stroke done by these investigators ranges from basic science to clinical programs and is leading to improved practice and more importantly improved clinical outcomes.
Marco is an inspiration to many in the research and clinical communities. Read more in the 2013.12.02-MarcoStory