UBC Physical Therapy Trainees have been awarded two of the seven Focus on Stroke Research Fellowships and two of the seven Focus on Stroke doctoral Research Awards from Heart and Stroke Foundaton of Canada.
Michael Borich was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to continue his training under Dr. Lara Boyd on his study, ‘Characterization of white matter microstructure after stroke using advanced magnetic resonance imaging.’ He will be co-supervised in this study by Dr. Alex MacKay, Professor of Radiology.
Jodi Edwards,PhD Candidate, also currently being supervised by Dr. Lara Boyd also received a postdoctoral fellowship to train under Dr. Sandra Black, Professor, Brill Chair in Neurology, University of Toronto. She will be assessing the amyloid burden and cognitive impairment in periventricular white matter disease.
Niousha Bolandzadeh-Fasaie recieved a doctoral research award to persue her study, ‘Effect of targeted exercise training on cognitive function and white matter lesions’ under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose.
Lisa Simpson, supervised by Dr. Janice Eng, was also awarded a doctoral research award to study upper extremity rehabilitation interventions in stroke by investigating associated changes in arm use and brain activation.
Jill Zwicker a recent PhD grad (2010) who was co-supervised in our program by Professor Emeritus, Dr. Susan Harris and Dr. Lara Boyd was awarded First Prize in the Holland Bloorview Pursuit Award for Childhood Disability for her PhD dissertation, ‘ The Bloorview Research Institute Health Research 2012 award recognizes PhD students from across the globe for their outstanding achievements in childhood disability research.