Do you need to:
- develop a pulmonary rehab program for your setting?
- confirm program logistics, including identifying patient populations, creating referral materials, and determining outcome measures?
- conduct exercise tests and other baseline assessments?
This course was created in response to a need for opportunities to learn more about creating a pulmonary rehabilitation program. The overall goal of this course is to show learners how to develop an evidence-based pulmonary rehabilitation program for adults with chronic lung disease. Learners proceed through structured modules that will take them step-by-step through program development.
Start Date: March 7, 2022
End Date: April 7, 2022
Format: Online
Cost: $250 Canadian plus tax (where required)
Registration is now CLOSED.
The learning objectives of this course are:
- Increase awareness of the history and evolution of pulmonary rehabilitation.
- Analyze the evidence supporting pulmonary rehabilitation.
- Create an evidence-based pulmonary rehabilitation program, including identifying the patient population, determining the parameters of your program, creating a referral pathway, creating an assessment procedure, conducting and interpreting exercise tests, understanding the educational component, and selecting outcome measures.

Primary Instructor: Pat Camp
Email: pat.camp@hli.ubc.ca
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia, and a principal investigator in the UBC Centre for Heart Lung Innovation. My research is focused on three main themes: Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Hospitalized Patients with an Acute Exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD); Pulmonary Tele-Rehabilitation; and Indigenous Lung Health. As a physiotherapist and researcher, I have been involved in pulmonary rehabilitation research, clinical care, and policy for over 25 years, and I’m delighted to bring this course to you.