Alex Scott

Alex Scott, PhD


Department Head


phone: 604 822 7414

Lab Information

Centre for Hip Health and Mobility

2635 Laurel Street

Robert H.N. Ho Research Centre

VancouverBC V5Z 1M9


Dr Scott’s teaching interests include the principles of mechanobiology and tissue healing-core concepts for the Physiotherapy profession. He encourages students to think biologically and to maintain a questioning and open approach to the art and science of physiotherapy.


Dr Scott’s research targets a widespread problem, overuse injuries and chronically painful tendon disorder in workers and athletes. His laboratory is examining the biological and biomechanical responses of tendons to mechanical loading and/or injury. His research has been supported locally by organizations including WorksafeBC and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, nationally through CFI, CIHR, NSERC and the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada, and internationally through the Canada-Scandinavia Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, and the Physical Medicine Research Foundation.


Selected publications:

Mechanotherapy: How physical therapists’ prescription of exercise promotes tissue repair. 

Tendons: Time to revisit inflammation

A Scott on Research Gate

A Scott on Pubmed

A Scott on Google Scholar

Book chapters:

Scott A, Cook JL, Khan, KM.  Human tendon overuse pathology: Histopathological, ultrastructural, and biochemical findings. International Olympic Commission on Tendinopathy.  Edited by S Woo, S Arnoczky, P Renstrom.  Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2007:69-84.

Scott A, Khan KM.  Pathogenesis of tendinopathy: update and implications for management. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update. Edited by B. Kibler.  American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.  2009:307-312.

Danielson P, Scott A. Biochemical Causes of Patellar Tendinopathy. In: Anterior Knee Pain 2nd ed. Editor: Vicente Sanchis Alfonso; Spriger-Verlag, London July 2011

B Vicenzino, A Scott, S Bell. Elbow and arm pain. Clinical Sports Medicine, 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Co. 2012.

Grävare-Silbernagel, A Scott, J Karlsson. Outcome Measures and Scoring Systems. Disorders of the Achilles Tendon Insertion. J. J. Wiegerinck. Guildford, UK., DJO Publications. 2012.

Other Professional Activities

Affiliation and Links


Physiotherapy Association of BC – President (April 2019 – May 2021)

Special Section Editor, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy